ISS Daily Summary Report – 6/16/2022
Predetermined Debris Avoidance Maneuver (PDAM): The ISS performed a PDAM at 2:03 PM CT to avoid a possible conjunction. The ISS used MLM roll control and 81 Progress (81P) thrusters completed 0.5 m/s DV posigrade PDAM to clear debris. Cygnus reboost is planned for Saturday, June 18, however the posigrade PDAM will reduce the Cygnus reboost to 0.15 m/s DV. The PDAM executed nominally and the Trajectory Operations Officer (TOPO) believes the closest approach with the object is no longer a concern and is completing the standard post burn clearing assessment.
FLUIDICS: Fluidics science run 2 and 3 were completed. The measurement of liquid displacement within a sphere in microgravity relates to a given kinematic representation of a spacecraft’s fuel tank. The Fluid Dynamics in Space (FLUIDICS) investigation evaluates the Center of Mass (CoM) position regarding a temperature gradient on a representation of a fuel tank. The observation of capillary wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid layer in a low-gravity environment can provide insights into measuring the existing volume in a sphere.
Human Research Facility-1 (HRF-1): The HRF-1 Centrifuge was configured for a checkout spin through the HRF PC Graphical User Interface (GUI) using the Centrifuge Counterweight Tubes. HRF-1 provides an on-orbit laboratory that enables scientists conducting human life science research to evaluate the physiological, behavioral, and chemical changes induced by space flight. Research performed using HRF-1 provides data to help scientists understand how the human body adapts to long-duration spaceflight.
Lumina: Lumina hardware was configured for data transfer via the EveryWear application. Fiber-optic Active Dosimeter (Lumina) is an active fiber dosimeter that monitors, in real-time, the received radiation dose by exploiting the capacity of optical fibers to darken when exposed to radiation. The dosimeter provides reliable dose measurements in complex environments such as the ones associated with electrons, protons, gamma-ray or X-ray photons or neutrons.
Transparent Alloys: The Transparent Alloys Cartridge P11 connector was removed and replaced with the Protection Cover P11 connector. The hardware and sample cartridge were then removed from the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) and stowed. Transparent Alloys consists of numerous experiments to study various growth and solidification processes in alloys.
eXposed Root On-Orbit Test System (XROOTS): Fluid from Root Modules and recirculates back into Fluids Reservoir. Nutrient solution was filled into XROOTS. Mold was removed from some of the modules and some cartridges were removed and trashed. The XROOTS investigation uses hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow plants without soil or other growth media. Video and still images enable evaluation of multiple independent growth chambers for the entire plant life cycle from seed germination through maturity. Results could identify suitable methods to produce crops on a larger scale for future space missions.
Cygnus Cargo Operations: The crew continued cargo transfer operations between the ISS and Cygnus cargo vehicle, NG-17, loading items like common trash for disposal. NG-17 is planned for unberth later this month where it will depart the ISS for an eventual destructive re-entry in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Internal Wireless Instrumentation System (IWIS) Remote Sensing Unit (RSU) Troubleshooting in Service Module (SM) Part 2: Today, crew assisted the ground in re-establishing communication with a RSU in the SM. The RSU was still offline after Part 1 was completed yesterday. The IWIS power cable was reseated, the IWIS RSU and Emerald Brick were power cycled, and the External Wireless Instrumentation System (EWIS) internal antenna was re-oriented in Lab to optimize communication between EWIS Network Communication Unit (NCU) and IWIS RSUs.
Crew Handover Video: Today the crew recorded videos for future crew handovers and pre-flight familiarization to help crew adjust to ISS daily life. In the recording, the crew gave tips for the life onboard, setting up Public Affair Events (PAOs), exercising, IT onboard, and any other topics at the crew’s discretion.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- EXPRESS Rack ZBook Configure
- Attitude Control System (ACS) Optimized Propellant Maneuver (OPM) Execution
- Primary Power System (PPS) Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Lock and Unlock
Look Ahead Plan
Friday, June 17 (GMT 168)
- ELF GBU Replace (JAXA)
- Repository Blood and Urine Collect (NASA)
- JEM Airlock CAP MEC Install (JAXA)
- Astrobee Undock Ops (NASA)
- Cold Stowage QD Check and Jumper Leak Check (NASA)
- ER4 Software Closeout (NASA)
- ExtraVehicular Activity Helmet Troubleshooting
- Station Reorganization
- Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Terminate
Saturday, June 18 (GMT 169)
- Astrobee Off (NASA)
- XROOTS Fluid Recovery (NASA)
- Crew Off-Duty Day
Sunday, June 19 (GMT 170)
- Repository Urine Setup (NASA)
- XROOTS Plant Check (NASA)
- Crew Off-Duty Day
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
- Air Quality Monitor (AQM) Powercycle
- COL1D2 and COL1D3 Stowage Containers Audit
- Fluidics Run 2 and 3 Execution Activities
- Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test
- HRF Centrifuge Checkout Spin Configuration Graphical User Interface
- HRF Centrifuge Counterweight Tube Removal Unpowered State
- HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection Hardware Setup
- HRF Generic MELFI Sample Insertion Operations
- HRF Generic Urine Collection
- IWIS RSU Troubleshooting in Service Module (SM) Part 2
- Inventory Management System (IMS) Conference
- JEM System Laptop Terminal 7 (SLT7) Reboot.
- Laptop Cargo Transfer Bag Reorganize
- LUMINA Data Transfer with EveryWear
- LUMINA Device Power Reboot
- Microgravity Science Glovebox Power Down
- NUTRIENT Solution Fill
- PAO Event in JEM
- PAO Social Media Event
- Recording of Handovers for Daily Crew-Life
- Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record
- TOCA Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- Transparent Alloys Connector Swap
- Transparent Alloys Hardware Locate
- Transparent Alloys Cartridge and Hardware Stow
- USOS Crew Hardware Handover to RS Crew
- XROOTS Seed Cartridge Inspection and Wick Open
- XROOTS Water Refill