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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 2/01/2021

USOS Extravehicular Activity (EVA) #70 – ISS Upgrades II: EV1 Michael Hopkins and EV2 Victor Glover performed a 5 hour 20 minute EVA and completed the following tasks in support of ISS upgrades:

  • P4 AP Relocate
  • P4 Li-ION & DCSU Bolts
  • P4 H-Fixture Removal
  • CP3 Camera Group R&R
  • CP13 HD Camera Installation

The crew also completed five get ahead tasks:

  • Starboard Truss (S4) H-Fixture Removal
  • Worksite Interface Extender (WIFEX) & Articulating Portable Foot Restraint (APFR) Relocation
  • Airlock On-Orbit Installable WIF (OIWIF) Relocation
  • Airlock Thermal Cover Magnetic Plate R&R
  • Imagery of Mini Pump Module worksite area


Antimicrobial Coatings (Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings): The crew touched coupons A-G (uncoated), then touched H-N (coated), then took photos of each of the coupons. The experiment was set up in early January and is planned to remain deployed for a period of 6 months. Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings tests an antimicrobial coating on several different materials that represent high-touch surfaces. Some microbes change characteristics in microgravity, which could create new risks to crew health and spacecraft systems as well as creating the possibility of contaminating other planetary bodies. The samples remain in space approximately six months then return to Earth for analysis.

ESA-EPO Videos: A crewmember recorded an EPO video message about the contribution of women in space. The video will feature Paxi, ESA’s mascot for young children. The activities related to European Space Agency-Education Payload Operations Generic Videos are intended to encourage and strengthen the teaching of science curriculum, and stimulate the curiosity of students to motivate them towards further study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.

Veg-03: The crew performed a check and watering of the VEG-03J plants Organisms grow differently in space, from single-celled bacteria to plants and humans. But future long-duration space missions will require crew members to grow their own food, so understanding how plants respond to microgravity is an important step toward that goal. Veg-03 uses the Veggie plant growth facility to cultivate Extra Dwarf Pak Choi, Amara Mustard and Red Romaine Lettuce using Seed Film which are harvested on-orbit with samples returned to Earth for testing.


Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Quarterly Maintenance: FE-13 inspected the X-rotation dashpots, cycled the main arm through full range of motion and greased the Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (VIS) rails and rollers. She also tightened and torqued set screws within the ARED cylinder flywheels and main arm fasteners. These tasks are scheduled every 90 days to maintain optimal functionality of the device.

Columbus European Payload Module (EPM) Seat Track Inspection: FE-13 measured and took photos of the EPM seat track. This activity was to check where the future payload, Payload Data Router (PLDR) can be installed on the EPM.

Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations: The MSS remained Operational overnight, thus, Robotics Ground Controllers only had to power up the MSS cameras in preparation for today’s EVA. The EV crew egressed the Airlock and went to the P4 worksite. When this first task was complete, EV2 set up the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) with the Articulated Portable Foot Restraint (APFR) and ingressed the APFR. The SSRMS was maneuvered successively to the CP3 and the CP13 worksites by IV Crew. After completing the CP3 and CP13 tasks, the SSRMS was maneuvered to the Crew egress position. EV2 egressed and then removed the APFR from the SSRMS. MSS operations were nominal.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • EVA support
  • Payloads ops support
  • MSS ops

Look Ahead Plan

Tuesday, February 2 (GMT 033)

  • CBEF Alt Reconfig part 5 (JAXA)
  • VEG-03J harvest and taste test (NASA)
  • APM relocate to Node 3 (NASA)
  • Astrobee Dock repair (NASA)
  • CIR/ACME hardware gather and MWA prep (NASA)


  • Max CEVIS
  • EVA EMU water recharge
  • EVA debrief
  • Crew-1 free-flight depress response refresher OBT

Wednesday, February 3 (GMT 034)

  • CBEF ELT2 laptop setup (JAXA)
  • HRF VEG questionnaire (NASA)
  • ISS Experience ZCAM setup on MWA for download T/S (NASA)
  • ACME H/W replace and CIR hardware return (NASA)
  • Astrobee OBT review (NASA)
  • 3DMM COL sample collect (NASA)
  • EML Gas Vlv (Joint)


  • ETVCG teardown
  • EVA loop scrub
  • EVA HUT gather
  • Crew-1 emergency departure refresher OBT

Thursday, February 4 (GMT 035)

  • CBEF ALT LED check (JAXA)
  • SCEM (FLARE) Igniter R&R and Insert2 install (JAXA)
  • JAXA Mission Data Recorder Laptop config (JAXA)
  • CBEF-G Sample-tray insert (JAXA)
  • MVP desiccant replace (JAXA)
  • Food Acceptability (NASA)
  • NanoRacks Platform-2 &3 relocate (NASA)
  • Capillary Structures SRB 4Cell ops (NASA)
  • HRF VEG POMS questionnaire (NASA)
  • AstroRad Don (NASA)
  • ISS Experience Stow (NASA)
  • Astrobee Crew conf and Perching Arm install (NASA)


  • EVA Airlock reconfig
  • Crew-1 Deorbit entry and landing contingency refresher OBT
  • Max CEVIS

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • EVA COTS UHF Communication Unit (CUCU) Verify off
  • Extravehicular Activity (EVA) In-Suit Light Exercise (ISLE) Preparation
  • USOS EVA Comm Config Note 13
  • Assist with ISLE EVA PREP activities
  • Express Rack 1 Locker Removal.
  • Glacier Desiccant Swap
  • Glacier EXPRESS Rack Relocation
  • Closing of a window № 6,8,9,12,13,14 SM
  • SM ventilation system cleaning (group А)
  • Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Quarterly Maintenance
  • Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Purge
  • Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) In-Suit Light Exercise (ISLE) Prebreathe
  • Record EPO Paxi script
  • Crewlock Depress
  • Delta file prep
  • Columbus EPM Seat Track measurement and photo-documentation
  • Crewlock Post Depress
  • Crewlock Egress
  • Plug-In Plan (PiP) AC Inverter Secure
  • VEG-03 Plant Check/Water
  • Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Set Screw Tightening
  • SSRMS EVA Support
  • T2 Bungee Swap
  • MERLIN 3 EXPRESS Rack Relocation
  • MERLIN1 EXPRESS Rack Installation
  • CP13 HD Camera Install
  • Antimicrobial Coatings Placard Touch
  • Crewlock Ingress
  • Exercise data D/L
  • EVA Glove Photo Setup
  • Crewlock Repress
  • Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Crewlock Repress EVA PET end
  • Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Post-EVA Activities
  • Photo/TV Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Camera Disassembly
  • Photo/TV Extravehicular Activity (EVA) GoPro Downlink
  • Return to nominal comm configuration after USOS EVA
  • Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Post-EVA Glove Photos
  • EVA Glove Photo Downlink