ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/28/2020
MSRR/MSL (Materials Science Laboratory) SCA exchange: The crew removed the processed calibration cartridge and inserted the first ESA batch-2b Sample Cartridge Assembly (SCA). Batch-2b serves two projects investigating how different phases organize in a structure when metallic alloys are solidified. The project Metastable Solidification of Composites (METCOMP) studies the phase formed by the reaction of the remaining liquid phase with an already formed solid, to form a second solid phase on cooling. For this purpose, Bronze (Copper-Tin Alloys) of different compositions will be processed. The other project, Solidification along a Eutectic path in Ternary Alloys (SETA), looks at how two phases that form together organize into lamellar, or fiber, structures when cooling Aluminum (Copper-Silver Alloys). Both projects will provide benchmark samples that will enable to test numerical models that aim to predict these structures.
Radi-N2 Deploy: Chris retrieved the Radi-N2 detector package from the Russian crew and deployed the eight bubble detectors at the NODE2 Panel P3 location where they will remain for one week. The objective of this Canadian Space Agency investigation is to better characterize the ISS neutron environment, define the risk posed to the crew members’ health, and provide the data necessary to develop advanced protective measures for future spaceflight. It’s been recognized that neutrons make up a significant fraction (10-30%) of the biologically effective radiation exposure in low-Earth orbit. The bubble detectors used in the investigation are designed to detect neutrons and ignore all other radiation.
Oxygen Generation System (OGS) Hydrogen (H2) Sensor Orbital Replacement Unit (ORU) Remove & Replace (R&R): Today, the crew performed an R&R of the OGS H2 sensor and cleaned the associated Avionics Air Assembly (AAA) inlet. The H2 sensor R&R is routine maintenance activity and is necessary due to nominal degradation of the H2 sensor materials over time. Following today’s R&R, ground specialists will conduct a checkout of the new sensor.
Hurricane Laura Response/Backup Control Center (BCC) Ops: Today, the Houston flight control team (FCT) resumed control of ISS operations from the Backup Control Center Activation Team (BAT) located in Palestine, TX. The MCC-H team began the shift logged in to the BCC platform and transitioned to the Mission Critical Environment (MCE) today. Final close-out steps to return MCC-H to nominal operations should be complete by the end of the day. Hurricane Laura made landfall on August 27th in Cameron, LA located approximately 125 miles east of the MCC-H. The Houston area remained unscathed by the impacts of the storm.
Completed Task List Activities:
- PMM1O2 Cleanup
- WORF Failed Light Bulb Replacement
- ExPRESS Rack Failed Light Bulb Replacement
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Ground Support for OGS R&R
- Transition from BCC to MCE
Look Ahead Plan
Saturday, 8/29 (GMT 242)
- Payload NAS Vent Clean
- Crew Off Duty
Sunday, 8/30 (GMT 243)
- POLAR2 Desiccant Swap
- Crew Off Duty
Monday, 8/31 (GMT 244)
- JEMAL Depress
- LIDAL Move
- Plant Habitat-02 Prep B
- SCRAM MCA Plug Install
- OBT ROBoT Proficiency
- Rack Transfer BPW Review
- ER-10 Rack Transfer Gather/Prep
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- TBU. Check temperature
- ISS Crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Team) weekly conference
- URAGAN. Earth imagery with use of still camera
- VEKTOR-T. Hardware preparation & setup
- Inspection of voltage converter ПН28-120 (behind SM panel 231А)
- Filling ЕДВ (KOВ) for Elektron
- Oxygen Generation System (OGS) Hydrogen Sensor R&R
- Recharging Iridium EXTREME 9575 phone in Soyuz 745 – battery status check
- Checkout of Condensate Supply Unit (БПК) from spares. БПК replacement
- MATRIOSHKA-R. Initialization & Handover. Tritel Hardware Monitoring
- VIZIR. Session with Photo image coordinate referencing – smart drawers system (СКПФ-УМ)
- Radiation Dosimetry Inside ISS-Neutrons Hardware Handover & Deploy
- Weekly Checkout of RS video recording equipment
- Combustion Integrated Rack Hardware Return
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
- РС ISS plug inventory
- Inventory Management System (IMS) Conference
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – Node 1 Camcorder Towards Airlock
- Material Science Laboratory SCA Exchange2B #15
- Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Inspection