ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/16/2020
Food Acceptability: The crew completed a Food Acceptability Survey using the Data Collection Tool on an available SSC (Station Support Computer). This investigation seeks to determine the impact of repetitive consumption of food currently available from the spaceflight food system. Results will be used in developing strategies to improve food system composition to support crew health and performance on long duration missions.
Cerebral Autoregulation (CA): In preparation for a future CA data collection, the crew performed the appropriate cable reconfiguration. As the body’s most important organ, the brain needs a strong and reliable blood supply, so the brain is capable of self-regulating blood flow even when the heart and blood vessels cannot maintain an ideal blood pressure. The Cerebral Autoregulation investigation tests whether this self-regulation improves in the microgravity environment of space.
Mouse Mission-5 (MM-5) prep: In preparation for MM -5, the crew Installed Mouse Habitat Cage Unit (one) to the Cell Biology Experiment Facility-Left (CBEF-L) Incubator Unit (IU) and removed Mouse Habitat Cage Unit (three) from CBEF-L IU. JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit-5 (MHU-5) examines the effects of partial G on mice using the JAXA-developed mouse habitat cage units (HCU) that can be installed in the newly developed Centrifuge-equipped Biological Experiment Facility-L (CBEF-L) on the ISS. Stress caused by partial G may alter gene expression in cells of the body. The investigation analyzes any such alterations and their possible effects on development of germ cells, which carry genetic information and expression to subsequent generations.
P6 Battery Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Operations: Following a successful P6 Battery Channel 4B EVA#3, the ISS crew participated in a debrief conference with the ground team specialists providing the ground team with valuable feedback on the EVA processes. The crew also performed the Extravehicular Activity Mobility Unit (EMU) battery charging and Metox regeneration activities, both of which restore the EMU suits for the upcoming EVA. In addition, the crew completed some preparatory tasks for the next P6 Channel Battery EVA#4 including procedure reviews along with Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) practice procedures.
Columbus Cycle 15 Software Transition: Today, the crew supported the preparation for the Columbus Module software transition by rotating the Human Research Facility (HRF2) rack and installing an upgraded Mass Memory Unit (MMU). The crew removed the MMU MkI and replaced it with the upgraded MMU MkII; the new MMU has the Cycle 15 Software already installed. This completed the second part of a two part MMU Remove and Replace (R&R) that transitions the Columbus Module Software to Cycle 15.
Completed Task List Activities:
- No items were completed off the task list
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Payload Operations Support
- SSRMS P6 Battery EVA Support
Friday, 1/17 (GMT 017)
- Acoustic Diagnostics
- Bionutrients
- CIR/AMCE manifold bottle replacement
- Confined Combustion
- Food Acceptability
- JWRS bubble removal
- GLACIER2 desiccant swap
- HERMES vacuum valve
- Standard Measures
- Veggie-1 h/w R&R
- Rechargeable EVA Battery Assembly Installation
- EVA Tool Configuration
- EVA Procedures Review and Conference
- Camera Battery Charge Initiation and Swap
- EVA LLB Ops Init/Term
- METOX Removal/Install
- BSA and METOX Term
- EMU Water Recharge
- EHS TOCA Buffer Container Change Out
- COL PWS2 T61P Software Loads, Activation, and C/O (Cycle 15)
Saturday, 1/18 (GMT 018)
- Payload NAS clean
- Crew Off-Duty
Sunday, 1/19 (GMT 019)
- Bionutrients
- Confined Combustion
- EVA Procedure Review
- EVA Procedure Conference
- EVA Tool Configuration
- EVA Tool Audit
- EVA Equipment Lock Prep Part 2
- Crew Departure Prep
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedure Review
- Preparation of reports for Roscosmos website and social media
- URAGAN. Observation and photography using photo equipment
- ECON-M. Observation and Photography
- Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
- OTKLIK. De-installation of Control Unit (БК) and Operator Console (КО).
- Reading Pille dosimeter data after US EVA
- MSK-2. Activation of glove box cleaning.
- PAO hardware setup. Video/audio check
- TV Conference with Representatives of Vladimir Region
- Cleanup HRF-2 rotation path.
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Post EVA Examination Setup
- MSK-2. Equipment Reconfig.
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Post EVA Examination – Subject
- Columbus Video Camera Assembly 2 Adjustment
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Post EVA Examination – Crew Medical Officer (CMO)
- HRF-2 Rack Tilt Down at COL1A4
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Post-EVA Periodic Health Status Examination – Stow
- JAXA Mouse Mission Cage Detachment from CBEF-L IU
- MSK-2. Disable Glove Box Cleaning.
- Environmental Health System (EHS) – Microbial Capture Device (MCD) and Coliform Water Sample Analysis 44 +/- 4 hours post processing
- MMU1 Remove and Replace
- MSK-2. The second replacement of containers with nutrient medium. Insert in ТБУ-В No.07 at +4 deg C setting. Tagup with specialists as necessary
- OTKLIK. Closeout Ops
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Lithium Ion Battery Charger Verification
- HRF-1 Rack Tilt Up at COL1A4
- Portable Onboard Computers (POC) Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software Review
- Columbus Bay 4 Restore
- 120 to 24 VDC Conv Removal
- Utility Outlet Panel (UOP) Activation.
- Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) Operation Initiation
- URAGAN. VSS PL R&R. Tagup with specialists
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – JEM
- ВБ-3М Cycle Ergometer Activities.
- Stereo macro-photography of window No.1 cavity – procedure and r/g review
- Stereo macro-photography of window No.1 cavity – Locating photo equipment
- Metal Oxide (METOX) Regeneration Initiation
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedure Conference
- Monitoring RSK1 Laptop Battery Charge