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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/20/2019

Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST): The crew transferred cells from previously stowed media kit to the new media tubes using pipettes and temp stow tubes. The BEST investigation studies the use of sequencing for identification of unknown microbial organisms living on the ISS, and how humans, plants and microbes adapt to living on the ISS.

Materials Science Laboratory (MSL): The crew exchanged a sample cartridge from the Low Grade Furnace in preparation for the next sample run. The MSL is used for basic materials research in the microgravity environment of the ISS. The MSL can accommodate and support diverse Experiment Modules. In this way, many material types, such as metals, alloys, polymers, semiconductors, ceramics, crystals, and glasses, can be studied to discover new applications for existing materials and new or improved materials.

MSPR (Multi-purpose Small Payload Rack): The crew installed a new DC converter unit adapter into the JEM MSPR today. This activity was performed due to the failure in the previous unit. The MSPR has two workspaces and a worktable that can be used for wide fields of space environment utilization including science and educational missions.

Cryo Chiller: The crew removed the cartridge and performed decontamination steps for the Cryo Chiller. Cryo Chiller is a single Expedite the Processing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) locker replacement unit, which provides rapid freezing capability in support of biological sciences, as well as temperature-controlled transfer to/from the ISS on visiting vehicles.

NanoRacks Rotational Dynamics (Adidas OS SPIN): The crew performed the Payload operations for the Rotational Dynamics Experiment. The investigation examines the behavior of free-flying soccer balls in microgravity. Researchers measure the spin speed, wobble, and spin axis of balls with different shapes and textures and compare the data to Earth-based experiments. Results could improve the understanding of interaction between free-flying objects and their environment.

Microgravity Crystals (MGC): As part of Session 5 operations, the crew set up a microscope, then took images of the solutions and any crystals in the wells of the crystal plates. The Microgravity Crystals investigation crystallizes a membrane protein that is integral to tumor growth and cancer survival. Although crystallization of this protein has yielded unsatisfactory results on Earth, this investigation leverages extensive protein crystallization work on the space station, significantly increasing the likelihood of successful crystal growth. Results may support development of cancer treatments that target the protein more effectively and with fewer side effects.

The ISS Experience: The crew recorded the NanoRacks Rotational Dynamics Experiment using the ISS Experiment Z-cameras. The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.

Rodent Research-17 (RR-17): The crew transferred sample vials from one MELFI dewer location to another to maintain -80 deg C. RR-17 uses younger and older mice as model organisms to evaluate the physiological, cellular and molecular effects of the spaceflight environment. Some responses to spaceflight in humans and model organisms such as mice resemble accelerated aging. This investigation provides a better understanding of aging-related immune, bone, and muscle disease processes, which may lead to new therapies for use in space and on Earth.

Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Checkouts & Diagnostics: Ground teams successfully performed SSRMS Latching End Effector (LEE) checkouts and joint brake diagnostics activities that satisfy the robotics launch commit criteria (LCC) for HTV-8.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • SSRMS checkouts
  • Payloads ground support

Look Ahead:

Saturday, 9/21 (GMT 264)

  • Rodent Research Fixative Swap (NASA)
  • PL NAS Vent Clean (NASA)


  • Crew off duty; housekeeping

Sunday, 9/22 (GMT 265)

  • Rodent Research Fixative Swap (NASA)


  • Crew off duty

Monday, 9/23 (GMT 266)

  • CIR Ops, SPHERES, Max CEVIS, Fluid Shifts Fundoscope


  • Crew Departure Preparation

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Microgravity Crystals MELFI Plate Retrieve
  • Microgravity Crystals Maintenance Work Area Preparation
  • SPHERES Rechargeable Battery Install [Deferred]
  • ISS Experience Lab Setup
  • MSPR DC/DC converter unit 2 (DCU2) Adapter Installation
  • Continuity check of SM Kurs-P 2Ф4-ВКА-01 (W6) amplifier circuits (in spares)
  • Cargo items prepack for return and disposal via Soyuz 742
  • SPHERES Rechargeable Battery Charge and Stow [Deferred]
  • LBNP Exercise (PRELIMINARY) Operator
  • ISS Experience Introduction Recording
  • Microgravity Crystals MELFI Vial Retrieve
  • NanoRacks Rotational Dynamics Payload Operations
  • Microgravity Crystals Screening Plate Load S/N 1C/2C
  • Water sampling to drink bags from water distribution and heating system (БРП-М)
  • [СВО-ЗВ] water sampling to Russian drink bags
  • ISS Crew departure preparation
  • Microgravity Crystals MELFI Protein Vial Insertion
  • SPHERES Rechargeable Battery Charge and Stow [Deferred]
  • Microgravity Crystals MELFI Vial Retrieve
  • Microgravity Crystals Screening Plate Load S/N 3C/4C
  • ISS Experience Record Conclude
  • MSL FNS Relocate
  • Material Science Laboratory SCA Exchange NB1#6
  • Commemorative Activity
  • Cryo Chiller Sample Cartridge Removal and Decontamination
  • MSL FNS Return
  • SPHERES Rechargeable Battery Charge and Stow [Deferred]
  • Microgravity Crystals MELFI Protein Vial Insertion
  • Symbolic
  • ISS Experience Hardware Relocate
  • Microscope Reposition Preparation
  • Rodent Research Sample Relocation
  • CONTENT. Experiment Ops
  • Cargo items prepack for return and disposal on Soyuz 742
  • Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
  • Microgravity Crystals Microscopy Plate Set B, Session 5 (Day 20)
  • Setup and connect КСПЭ camcorder for coverage via RGS
  • Test of TV data transfer link via RGS – MCC-M
  • TV System Closeout after RS TV coverage via RGS
  • Glacier Tray and Support Structures Installation
  • Hermes Vacuum Valve Close
  • BEST MWA Preparation
  • Magnetic 3D-bioprinter. Intermediate video recording of constructs assembly in cuvettes No.2-1 — No.2-6 Mfr. No.06
  • Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST) MELFI Sample Retrieve
  • Maintenance Activation of Spare Atmosphere Purification System Emergency Vacuum Valves
  • Microscope Reposition Post Ops
  • BEST Experiment 2 Part 2
  • Ring Sheared Drop Payload Overview
  • BEST MELFI Sample Insertion into a Box Module
  • ISS HAM Service Module Pass