ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/30/2019
Biorock: The crew took photos of the biofilms in the Kubik 5 and Kubik 6 Biorock Experiment Containers. The interaction between microbes and rocks in a liquid phase can be affected by reduced gravity in several ways. The reduction of thermal convection in low-gravity, and its absence in microgravity, minimizes the natural stirring in liquids and gases, and may restrict the supply of food and oxygen to the bacteria – leading to a suppression of growth, proliferation and mining performance. The goals of the Biorock investigation is to verify and quantify this assumption, and to find out if morphological and genetic changes occur in the biofilms.
Cell Science-02 (CS-02): The crew performed a growth factor injection and manual feeding for the Cell CS-02 investigation which uses osteoblast progenitor cells isolated from mouse bones to investigate the effects of microgravity on osteoblast cellular processes at the molecular and biochemical level. CS-02 uses a computational biology omics approach to investigate how osteoblasts respond to treatment with two known osteo-inductive factors.
Combustion Integration Rack (CIR)/ Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME) Manifold Bottle Exchange: The crew replaced the 40% O2 gas bottle with a 30% O2 bottle. They also replaced the ethylene fuel bottle with a hydrogen/methane mixture fuel bottle. Telemetry showed a slow leak in the hydrogen/methane bottle and teams are discussing a recovery plan. Flame Design part 1 investigation is complete and preparations are in work for transition to the s-Flame investigation. The purpose of s-Flame is to advance our ability to predict the structure and dynamics, including extinction and instabilities, of both soot-free and sooty flames. The results may contribute to the development of lean-burn engines for improved efficiency and reduced pollutant emissions here on Earth.
GRIP: The crew performed a seated science-2 session of the GRIP experiment which consists of 3 protocols: Dynamics Seated, References Seated and References Supine. They are performed in 3 separate sub-sessions. ESA’s Grip investigation tests how the nervous system takes into account the forces due to gravity and inertia when manipulating objects. Results from this investigation may provide insight into potential hazards for astronauts as they manipulate objects in different gravitational environments. They also support design and control of haptic interfaces to be used in challenging environments such as space, and provide information about motor control that will be useful for the evaluation and rehabilitation of impaired upper limb control in patients with neurological diseases.
ISS Experience: The crew set up the ISS Experience system, performed an introductory recording, and captured a GRIP seated science-2 session. The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.
Nanoracks Module 9: The crew performed the ops 2 session during which the crew interacted with groups of experiment tubes from several different bags, typically by opening clamps and shaking the tubes to mix the contents. Some of the experiments involve the effects of microgravity on saturated copper sulfate crystals, the growth of several organisms in microgravity, germination of peppermint seeds in space, the curing of oil-based paint, rust formation, etc.
Treadmill 2 (T2) Status: Following last Friday’s T2 over temperature caution and subsequent ground team commanded shutdown, the team reviewed associated telemetry and confirmed that no real over temperature condition occurred. The caution message has since been inhibited and T2 is go for crew use. The team continues to investigate the caution indication and why it went into alarm erroneously.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Dose Pump Changeout: The crew reported a WHC Pre-Treat bad quality light indication. Following troubleshooting with the ground team, the crew successfully changed out the Dose Pump to return WHC to nominal operations. The pump is a critical part of the WHC as it injects the pre-treat liquid required to properly recycle waste urine.
4A Pump/Flow Control Subassembly (PFCS) Reset: Today a Power On Reset (POR) occurred associated with the 4A PFCS and temporarily stopped external coolant flow to the 4A batteries. Ground teams quickly assessed telemetry then worked from established procedures to recover Photovoltaic Thermal Control System (PVTCS) coolant flow. 4A Channel cooling was down for approximately 22 minutes, during which time the battery temperatures never exceeded Flight Rule limits.
Dragon Cargo Transfer Ops Status: Working off the Task List, the crew continued transferring cargo from Dragon to the ISS.
Completed Task List Activities:
- Biosystems troubleshooting
- WHC KTO replace
- Dragon transfer ops
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Payloads ops support
Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 7/31 (GMT 212)
- Actiwatch setup/stow
- Cell Science-02
- ELF cartridge exchange
- Food acceptability
- Ice Brick stow
- ISS Experience stow
- Lighting Effects
- Nanoracks Mod-84 photo
- SPHERES ZR unit test
- TreK video setup
- 73P launch/dock
- Dragon LiOH filter bag remove
- Dragon cargo transfer
Thursday, 8/1 (GMT 213)
- Goodyear Tire
- Standard Measures
- JEMAL depress
- Lighting Effects
- TReK video s/u
- Team Task Switching
- JEMAL depressurization and vent
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- KORREKTSIYA. Processing venous blood sample using Plasma-03 centrifuge
- Insertion of Russian experiments blood samples into MELFI
- KORREKTSIYA. Handover to USOS for MELFI Insertion
- KORREKTSIYA. Centrifuge spin concluded.
- LSG Crew Restraint Installation Subsequent (Primary)
- Rodent Research Transporter Stow
- Phototaking of Biorock Experiment Container
- TOCA Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
- ISS HAM Radio Power Up
- CONTROL. Switching Indicator-ISS P/L measuring modes.
- Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open
- Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold #2 Bottle Replacement
- Сomm. check from Baikonur (S/G1)
- PROFILAKTIKA-2. MO-3 Protocol Locomotion Test in Passive Mode.
- Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold #4 Bottle Replacement
- Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Close
- Station Support Computer (SSC) Relocate
- In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Partial Fill
- Telescience Resource Kit Laptop Setup
- Polar Desiccant Swap
- PROFILAKTIKA-2. Closeout Ops.
- PROFILAKTIKA-2. Hygiene Procedures
- Polar Sample Remove
- Bioculture System Locker Cable Swap
- Advanced Space Experiment Processor Overview On-Board Training
- Cell Science MELFI Sample Retrieval
- BioFabrication Facility On-Board Training
- BioFabrication Facility Procedure Review1
- Cell Science-02 Bag Operations Session 1
- INTER-MAI-75. HAM Radio Hardware Activation
- ЦП Laptop monthly maintenance
- Command Laptop test1 – initiation
- Scheduled Quarterly Maintenance of Central Post Laptop, end test 1 and start test 2. Creating reports
- Central Post Laptop Quarterly Maintenance Ops, Start Test 3
- Inspection and photography of [СРВ-К2М] hoses
- NanoRacks Module-9 OBT
- Central Post Laptop Quarterly Maintenance Ops, end test 3 and start test 4.
- NanoRacks Maintenance Work Area Preparation
- Vacuum cleaning ventilation grille on FGB interior panels (201, 301, 401)
- NanoRacks Module-9 HD Video Setup
- NanoRacks Module 9 Ops Session 2
- NanoRacks Module 9 Imagery Transfer
- Handover of Increment 60 Crew
- Quarterly Maintenance of Central Post Laptop, End of test 4 and Closeout Ops
- INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops
- TOCA Sample Data Record
- INTER-MAI-75. Equipment deactivation and cleanup
- LSG Work Volume Stow
- Reminder Rodent Research Thermal Consideration
- Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry