ISS Daily Summary Report – 5/07/2019
Fluid Shifts (Chibis): The crew performed the first of two days of their LBNP data collection. This week, two crewmembers will each perform two days of LBNP data collection. Fluid Shifts is a NASA investigation, divided into Dilution Measurements, Baseline Imaging, and Imaging with Chibis. The Chibis hardware is used to perform the Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) part of the experiment. The Fluid Shifts experiment investigates the causes for severe and lasting physical changes to astronauts’ eyes. Because the headward fluid shift is a hypothesized contributor to these changes, reversing this fluid shift with a LBNP device is being evaluated as a possible intervention. Results from this study may help to develop preventative measures against lasting changes in vision and prevention of eye damage.
JAXA Mouse Mission: The crew transferred the mice from SpX-17 to the ISS and completed related activities to begin the experiment. Six mice were transferred to the 1G area of the CBEF and six mice were transferred to the 0G part of the CBEF (Cell Biology Experiment Facility). The Mouse Mission analyzes alterations of the gene expression patterns in several organs and the effects on the germ-cell development of mice exposed to a long-term (e.g. more than 30 days) space environment. Data collected could suggest not only experimental information about mice in the space environment, but also fundamental information about humans exposed to a prolonged space environment.
MicroAlgae: The crew homogenized the culture bags to remove bubbles and deployed them. Microalgae Biosynthesis in Microgravity (MicroAlgae) studies the effects of microgravity on Haematococcus pluvialis, a tiny freshwater algae capable of producing a powerful antioxidant known as astaxanthin. It could provide a readily available dietary supplement to promote astronaut health on long-duration space exploration missions. This research was proposed by a community college student and alumna of the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) program.
MVP Cell-01: The crew installed six experiment modules into the MVP facility and took photos. The Cartilage–Bone–Synovium (CBS) Micro-Physiological System (MPS) Using the Multi-purpose Variable-G Platform (MVP) (MVP Cell-01) studies a disease called Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis, in which a traumatic joint injury may lead to arthritis after loss of cartilage and bone. The ability of potential drugs to prevent the progression of this disease is tested on Earth and in space. The MVP facility is used to conduct research in space with a wide variety of sample types, such as fruit flies, flatworms, plants, fish, cells, protein crystals and many others. It includes internal carousels that simultaneously can produce up to 2 g of artificial gravity.
Nano Antioxidants: The crew installed of twelve Nano Antioxidants Experiment Containers in the Kubik 5 facility and started the experiment run. The aim of the Nano Antioxidants investigation is to research innovative approaches for cellular stimulation to counteract the negative effects of long-term microgravity on the musculoskeletal system. There are numerous possible applications of this research project in other crucial social domains, such as healthcare of the elderly and of people with muscle atrophy disorders, through the implementation of new therapeutic strategies in the treatment of diseases involving oxidative stress as causing factor.
STaARS (Space Technology and Advanced Research Systems) Bioscience-3: The crew installed six BioScience Experiment Containers into the STaARS Facility for processing. Later in the day and according to the nominal experiment plan, three of these containers were removed and placed in -80 deg C cold stowage. The Spaceflight Effects on Vascular Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cell Process (STaARS BioScience-3) investigation contributes to a greater understanding of cardiovascular disease (CVD) through the study of transcriptomics of vascular cells. Upon return from spaceflight, crew members often display alterations in their cardiovascular systems, similar to those suffering from CVD. The goal of this work is to elucidate the mechanism of vascular cell damage in the space environment by exposing vascular cells to spaceflight.
TangoLab- Mission-11: As part of TL Mission 11, the crew attached the appropriate cubes onto two cards and installed them into the TangoLab-2 unit. The cubes installed were PENN_TOC01 (Lung Host Defense in Microgravity), TNGO_CCM04 (Cell Culture Module Fluid Behavior Demonstration), and UFLA_DEP01 (Electrodeposition Observation in Microgravity). TangoLab-2 is a reconfigurable general research facility designed for microgravity research and development and pilot manufacturing in the ISS. Of note, the Lung Host Defense in Microgravity investigation uses organ-on-a-chip technology to create three-dimensional models of the lung and bone marrow from living human cells. Researchers infect the artificial organs and compare how lung cells respond and how white blood cells mobilize from the bone marrow into the blood stream in microgravity versus on Earth.
Dragon Cargo Transfer Status: Following SpX-17 arrival yesterday, the crew started transferring cargo and completed ~7.5 hours of operations. Today the crew removed the Center Stack, then retrieved and unpacked the Dragon Cargo Transfer Bags (CTB) and Double Coldbags (DCB).
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Dragon cargo transfer
- SSRMS Dragon ungrapple
- MT translation from WS3 to WS6
Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 05/08 (GMT 128):
- Actiwatch Plus check
- Fluid Shifts Chibis ops
- JAXA glovebox
- JAXA Mouse Mission
- Kidney cells
- Life Science Glovebox
- Low Temp PCG sample prep
- Microalgae
- Micro-14 inoculation
- Mass Measurement Device stow
- PAUL hardware installation
- Rodent Research-12
- Powered ascent utility locker hardware installation
- Dragon capture debrief with ground
- Dragon LiOH filter bag removal
Thursday, 05/09 (GMT 129):
- BCDU JOTI reconfig
- CSA/Bioanalyzer
- Fluid Shift setup
- Kidney Cells
- Microalgae
- Micro-14
- MISSE MTT remove
- PCG-14, POLAR desiccant swap
- RR access unit clean and hab restock
- Staars Bioscience 3 EC remove
- Team Task Switching
- EVA battery charging
- EVA METOX regen
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- FLUID SHIFTS. Comm configuration for the experiment
- Fluid Shifts OCT2 Service Module Setup
- Transfer Center Stack
- FLUID SHIFTS. Gathering and Connecting Equipment for TV coverage
- FLUID SHIFTS. Connecting HRF PC3 Laptop (in lieu of RSE1)
- VHF-2 test from Soyuz 742 via US ground sites
- Fluid Shifts OCT2 Service Module Power On
- Checkout of Precision Vertical Wide Angle Sight (ВШТВ)
- Inspection and photography of Lateral Passive Docking Assembly hatch mounts (MRM1)
- Fluid Shifts CCFP Service Module Configuration
- Fluid Shifts DPOAE Service Module Setup
- FLUID SHIFTS. Assistance with LBNP vacuum set CHIBIS and Medical Hardware Set operations
- Fluid Shifts Tonometry Service Module Setup
- Scheduled ВП-2 Pilot’s Sight Test
- Fluid Shifts Experiment Service Module Data Collection Operator
- Fluid Shifts Experiment Service Module Data Collection Subject
- Dragon F1A2 Locker Removal
- Cold Stowage Double Coldbag Unpack 2
- PCG-18 Hardware Photography
- Scheduled PUMA Test
- FLUID SHIFTS. Doffing CHIBIS vacuum set
- Fluid Shifts CCFP DPOAE Service Module End
- Fluid Shifts OCT2 Service Module Power Off
- Polar and JAXA TCU Dragon Uninstall and Polar Transfer and EXPRESS Rack Install
- Fluid Shifts Tonometry Service Module Stow
- FLUID SHIFTS. Connecting Laptop RSE1 (in lieu of HRF PC3)
- Fluid Shifts OCT2 Service Module Stow Alternate
- PBR MELFI Insert
- Space Technology and Advanced Research Systems BioScience Experiment Container Installation
- Cold Stowage Cold Stow Box Unpack
- FLUID SHIFTS. Deactivation of КСПЭ Equipment and Closing Applications on SSC1
- Installation of Nano Antioxidants Experiment Containers in Kubik
- FLUID SHIFTS. Comm reconfig for nominal ops
- Photo taking during Nano Antioxidants
- US Hardware Transfer to Russian Segment
- Life on the Station Photo and Video
- Food Acceptability Questionnaire
- Diagnostics of FGB Power Supply System Filter Unit and Main Bus Assembly using oscilloscope
- Cargo Transfer to Dragon
- Cold Stowage Double Coldbag Unpack 1
- Space Technology and Advanced Research Systems BioScience-3 Experiment Container Removal
- XF305 Camcorder Setup
- JAXA Mouse Mission Pre-feed Animal Transfer 1
- Dragon Cargo Operations Conference
- STAARS MELFI Bitran Bag Sample Insertion
- Multi-use Variable-g Platform Cell-01 Insert
- Diagnostics of FGB Power Supply System Filter Unit (БФ-2) and Main Bus Assembly (БСШ-2) using Infra-Red camera
- Multi-use Variable-g Platform Cell-01 Historical Photos
- Micro Algae Maintenance Work Area Preparation
- MicroAlgae Culture Bag Homogenization and Deployment
- Micro-14 MSG Setup.
- JAXA Mouse Mission Cage Removal from CBEF IU 1G
- Mouse Habitat Unit Washer Tank Inspection
- JAXA Mouse Mission Pre-feed Animal Transfer 2
- MATRYOSHKA-R. Tritel Hardware Monitoring
- Weekly monitoring of video recording equipment performance on the ISS RS
- IMS Delta File Prep
- Photography of ТП228 dummy thermal sensors on the external surface of MRM2
- Utility Outlet Panel (UOP) Activation
- Transportation Cage Unit Cleaning
- MERLIN Sample Transfer (while MERLIN is in Dragon)
- TangoLab-2 Card Cube Replace
- MICRO ALGAE Culture Bag Daily Stow
- Transportation Cage Unit Sub Components Setup