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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/29/2018

Actiwatch Spectrum: Following the discovery of some bad data from a previous Actiwatch spectrum data collection, this activity set up the nine remaining Actiwatch spectrum units to verify they are producing good data. The Actiwatch Spectrum is a waterproof, nonintrusive, sleep-wake monitor worn on a crewmember’s wrist. The device contains an accelerometer for measuring motion and color sensitive photodiodes (a photodetector capable of converting light into voltage) for monitoring ambient lighting. Together, these capabilities enable the Actiwatch Spectrum to analyze circadian rhythms, sleep-wake patterns, and activity.

Grip Seated Science Session: The crew completed the Grip seated session which is the first of three Grip activities for the week. Pending verification of the downlinked data, the ground reported the session went well. ESA’s Grip investigation tests how the nervous system takes into account the forces due to gravity and inertia when manipulating objects. Results from this investigation may provide insight into potential hazards for astronauts as they manipulate objects in different gravitational environments, support design and control of haptic interfaces to be used in challenging environments such as space, and provide information about motor control that will be useful for the evaluation and rehabilitation of impaired upper limb control in patients with neurological diseases.

Spaceflight Effects on Neurocognitive Performance: Extent, Longevity, and Neural Bases (Neuromapping): The crew performed a NeuroMapping Experiment Neurocognitive Test which includes testing in both “strapped in” and “free floating” body configurations. The investigation studies whether long-duration spaceflight causes changes to brain structure and function, motor control, and multi-tasking abilities. It also measures how long it takes for the brain and body to recover from possible changes. Previous research and anecdotal evidence from astronauts suggests movement control and cognition can be affected in microgravity. The NeuroMapping investigation includes use of structural and functional magnetic resonance brain imaging (MRI and fMRI) to assess any changes that occur after spending months on the ISS.

Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Zero Robotics Unit Test: As part of the 2018 High School Tournament, the crew performed a unit test today. The unit test occurs prior to the actual competition and allows the ground to verify various aspects of the competition are working as intended. When the actual completion is performed in January, the High School Tournament teams will be tasked with dodging virtual space debris in low Earth orbit to retrieve a damaged SPHERES satellite. The SPHERES-Zero-Robotics investigation establishes an opportunity for high school students to design research for the ISS. As part of a competition, students write algorithms for the SPHERES satellites to accomplish tasks relevant to future space missions. The algorithms are tested by the SPHERES team and the best designs are selected for the competition to operate the SPHERES satellites on board the ISS.

Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Nitrogen (N2) Transfer Initiation: The crew reconfigured the ISS N2 System and initiated the N2 transfer from the NORS tank to the ISS High Pressure Gas Tank. This NORS N2 tank will be left installed until the N2 is depleted, which is expected in approximately one month.

Lab Waste Water Bus Reconfiguration: Today, the crew attempted to reconfigure the waster bus for the upcoming commissioning and use of the newly installed Life Support Rack (LSR). The crew noticed when demating the Node 1 to LAB waste water line that the male side of the Quick Disconnects (QD) poppet was off nominal and still depressed. The crew took photos for ground assessment and remated the connector. LSR commissioning is currently scheduled for November 6.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • NORS N2 Initiation

Two Day Look Ahead:

Tuesday, 10/30:

  • BCAT Camera Activity
  • ESA/ECHO Maintenance
  • Grip Seated Science 2 Session
  • EarthKAM Mission 64 Conclusion


  • LSG Integration

Wednesday, 10/31

  • CIR Manifold Bottle Replacement
  • ELF Cartridge Operations
  • EML Gas Valve Close
  • Grip Seated Science 3 Session


  • LSG Configuration and Closeout

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HTV Small Re-entry Capsule (HSRC) Procedure Review
  • Auxiliary Laptop Computer System Virus Definition File Update / Auxiliary Computer
  • SPHERES Payload OBT Russian Crew
  • ACS NORS Nitrogen Transfer Initiation
  • GRIP Big picture reading
  • COLUMBUS Bay 1, 2, 3 clean-up
  • GRIP setup in the SEATED configuration
  • Atmospheric Control System (ACS) Nitrogen System Node 2 Gather
  • Active Rack Isolation System (ARIS) Tool Page Case Audit
  • Atmospheric Control System (ACS) Nitrogen Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Nitrogen Transfer Initiation
  • Water Recovery and Management (WRM) Waste Water Bus (WWB) Split
  • GRIP science performance in seated position
  • Exercise Data Downlink via OCA /r/g 0130
  • In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Life Sciences Glovebox (LSG) Hardware Gather
  • JPM Window Shutter Constraints Cue Card Replace
  • DESIS Cushion Relocate
  • GEMATOKRIT. Equipment setup
  • SPHERES Crew Conference
  • SPHERES Test Session Setup
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
  • In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Life Sciences Glovebox (LSG) Big Picture Words Review
  • HMS Food Intake Tracker (FIT) Screenshots
  • 120 VDC to 120 VAC Inverter and PS-120 Junction Box Relocation
  • SPHERES Test Session Run
  • NeuroMapping Experiment Neurocognitive Test
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record
  • Actiwatch Spectrum HRF Rack 2 Setup
  • Toilet Funnel Stow
  • Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) Operation Termination
  • Actiwatch Spectrum EVAL SUP
  • Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) Operation Initiation
  • SPHERES Test Shutdown
  • Acoustic Monitor Battery Swap
  • ABOUT GAGARIN FROM SPACE. Hardware Deactivation and Closeout
  • Actiwatch Spectrum HRF Rack 2 Stow