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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/23/16

Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock (JEMAL) Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism (ExHAM) #1-2 Operations: Following the JEM Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS) Small Fine Arm (SFA) retrieval and detachment of 14 ExHAM #1 samples from the Handhold Experiment Platform last week, today the new samples were installed. ExHAM #1-2 is the first return and sample exchange mission of the 1-year exposed ExHAM #1 which contain 17 samples and 14 will be returned on SpX-9. ExHAM is a cuboid mechanism equipped with a fixture on the upper surface for grappling by the JEMRMS SFA, and has components on the under surface for attaching the ExHAM to the handrail on the JEM Exposed Facility.

Microchannel Diffusion Glacier Sample Retrieve and Diffusion Plate Changeout: Samples were retrieved from the Glacier and temporarily stowed to allow the samples to thaw. The Diffusion Plate in the LMM (Light Microscopy Module) AFC (Auxiliary Fluids Container) was removed and exchanged with another plate. Microchannel Diffusion takes advantage of microgravity to study interactions of medicine, biology, computer science and many other fields that benefit from nanotechnology at slightly larger scales, providing a new understanding of particle flows at the nanoscale.

Habitability Human Factors Directed Observations: The crew completed a Habitability session by recording and submitting a walk-through video documenting observations of an area or activity providing insight related to human factors and habitability. The Habitability investigation collects observations about the relationship between crew members and their environment on the International Space Station. Observations can help spacecraft designers understand how much habitable volume is required, and whether a mission’s duration impacts how much space crew members need.

Microbial In-Flight Water Operations: On Tuesday the crew collected water samples to determine water quality onboard the ISS with the focus on microbial and coliform detection. Today he visually analyzed Coliform Detection Bags and Microbial Capture Devices following the required 48 hours of incubation.

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • SPLANKH. EGEG Prep and Recording (start) r/g 2608
  • SEISMOPROGNOZ. Transfer of Data from МКСД Hard Drive (start) r/g 2224
  • Closure of USOS Window Shutters
  • Coolant Refill of the MRM2 Thermal Control System [СОТР] Accumulator from the Accumulator of SM [СОТР] Internal Thermal Loop КОБ1 r/g 2615
  • EHS MCD. Onboard Water Processing and GMT 175 Data Recording
  • Coolant Refill of the Accumulator of SM [СОТР] Internal Thermal Loop КОБ1 Using Refill Tools Set r/g 2615
  • WRS. Recycle Tank Fill from a EDV
  • R&R of Filters on ПС1 and ПС2 Dust Collectors in the FGB
  • EMU Metal Oxide (METOX) Regeneration (end)
  • Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ)
  • MDE. Samples Retrieval and Temp Stow
  • СОЖ Maintenance. Filling of SM Rodnik БВ-1 Tank with Disinfectant r/g 2624
  • FIR. Rack Doors Opening
  • LMM. Microchannel Diffusion Plate R&R
  • IMS Delta File Prep/ Inventory Management System
  • Coolant Refill of the DC1 Thermal Control System [СОТР] Accumulator from the Accumulator of SM [СОТР] Internal Thermal Loop КОБ2 r/g 2615
  • SPLANKH. EGEG Recording (end). Closeout Ops r/g 2608
  • FIR. Closure of Rack Doors
  • Coolant Refill of the Accumulator of SM [СОТР] Internal Thermal Loop КОБ2 Using Refill Tools Set r/g 2615
  • XF305 Camcorder Setup
  • Handhold Exp Platform #1 (HXP1) Items Gathering
  • JEM Airlock Slide Table (ST) Extension to JPM Side
  • Handhold Experiment. Sample Attachment on Platform 1(HXP1)
  • URAGAN. Observation and Photography with VSS Hardware / r/g 2620
  • BAR. Leak Detector Checkout r/g 2617
  • JEM Airlock Slide Table (ST) Retraction from JPM Side
  • OTKLIK. Sensors Functional Check and Point of Impact Accuracy Check. Part 1 r/g 2619
  • Habitability iPad App Update
  • HABIT. Questionnaire
  • Hardware Setup for a PAO Event
  • SEISMOPROGNOZ. Transfer of Data from МКСД Hard Drive (end) and Archiving (start) r/g 2224
  • Crew Preparation for the PAO Event
  • PAO Event
  • IMS Conference
  • Countermeasures System – Sprint Exercise – Optional
  • OTKLIK. Hardware Monitoring / r/g 1588

Completed Task List Items

  • iPAD cert update [Active]

Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • Nominal ground commanding

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Friday, 06/24: JEMAL pressurization, leak check, PBRE hardware stow
  • Saturday, 06/25: Crew off duty, housekeeping
  • Sunday, 06/26: Crew off duty

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:







[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)


[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3


Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)


Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3

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