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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/28/15

Sally RideEarth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School Students (Sally Ride EarthKAM): Samokutyaev installed the 180 mm lens on the EarthKam and continued with the week long imaging session. Not everyone can go to space, but everyone can see Earth from an astronaut’s perspective with the Sally Ride EarthKAM program. Thousands of students can remotely control a digital camera mounted on the ISS, and use it to take photographs of coastlines, mountain ranges and other interesting features. The EarthKAM team posts the students’ images on the Internet, where the public and participating classrooms can view Earth from a unique vantage point.

Robonaut: Virts reviewed a Robonaut video and set up cameras in the Lab and Node 2 in preparation for upcoming operations. Crew unstowed and set up Robonaut in the US Lab, installed power, Ethernet, motion stop cables and powered the unit. An issue was encountered when a position sensor in the right arm elbow joint failed to initialize properly. Repeated attempts to clear the fault by ground teams were unsuccessful and mobility operations could not be completed. Crew then powered down, disconnected cables, and stowed Robonaut. Robonaut is a dexterous humanoid robot designed with the versatility and dexterity to manipulate hardware, exhibit greater endurance than humans and react safely when bumped or interacted with in a way that was not expected.

Cognition: Virts performed his flight day 65 cognition test. This is the sixth of eight planned sessions. He powered on Human Research Facility laptop, launched the Cognition application, and completed the Cognition test which included pre-test questions and an array of cognitive tests with performance feedback. Cognition is a battery of tests that measure how spaceflight-related physical changes, such as microgravity and lack of sleep, can affect cognitive performance. Cognition includes ten brief computerized tests that cover a wide range of cognitive functions, and provides immediate feedback on current and past test results. The software allows for real-time measurement of cognitive performance while in space.

SpaceX-5 Dragon Cargo Loading: Wilmore and Cristoforetti continued loading cargo into Dragon today. The crew has completed an estimated 53 hours of the total planned 70 hours required. SpaceX-5 unberth is scheduled to occur on 10 February 2015, with splash down occurring later the same day.

Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV)-5 Deboost: ISS performed a deboost using the ATV-5 Orbit Control System (OCS) thrusters. This deboost was required to set up phasing for 58 Progress (58P) 4-orbit rendezvous on February 17, 2015. The delta velocity for the burn was -0.69 m/s with a duration of 4 minutes 49 seconds.

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Piping Remove and Replace (R&R): Wilmore replaced the piping between the pump separator and the dose pump. This is a task that is performed every 6 months. The spare was recently delivered onboard SpaceX-5.

Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA) discharge: Seven PBAs were used during the false toxic alarm on January 14th. All seven were expended to below the required minimum pressure. Five of those were discharged into the cabin atmosphere today in order to make use of the oxygen content, and were packed for return on SpaceX-5 and later refurbishment. The two with the highest remaining pressure will be retained on board. PBAs are used during emergency response situations when the atmosphere on board is not breathable, or questionable, such as the false toxic alarm event earlier this month.

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • DRAGON Transfer Ops
  • EMU LIB battery Charge (end)
  • BRI Monthly Maintenance Surface Cleaning
  • EKAM – Battery Swap / See OSTPV for Procedure
  • MERLIN – Desiccant Kit Removal
  • ROBONAUT – Experiment Procedure Review and Video Viewing
  • Filling EDV from ATV5 WDS Tank Using Compressor
  • R2 – Robonaut Unstow and Powerup
  • BAR Experiment Ops
  • R2-BACKPACK – Power Cycling
  • WHC -Tank R&R
  • DRAGON Transfer Ops
  • Microbial Air Sampling (medium 2), medium 2 analysis, locations No.9-16. Data downlink
  • EKAM – Battery Swap / See OSTPV for Procedure
  • R2-BACKPACK – Power Cycling
  • Cleaning FGB ГЖТ Detachable Screens 1, 2, 3
  • Monitoring КОБ2 Loop Health
  • PAO Event
  • DRAGON Transfer Ops
  • R2-MOBILITY – Watch
  • Life On The Station Photo and Video
  • FFL01 – Sample Transfer & Experiment Ops
  • Filling EDV from ATV5 WDS Tank Using Compressor (51,52)
  • R2 – Robonaut Hardware Power Down and Stowage
  • Clearing space (openings) near hatches MRM1-СУ, MRM2- СУ (SM), and DC1-СУ (SM) from cargo
  • HRF- Sample collection setup
  • EKAM-SM – Camera Lens Change
  • FFL01 – Cargo Relocation
  • EKAM – Battery Swap
  • Dragon – Cargo Tagup
  • COGN – Experiment Ops

Completed Task List Items

  • Dragon Cargo Ops [In work]

Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • ATV Deboost

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Thursday, 01/29: Cargo Ops, EVA Tool Cnfg, CSLM, J-SSOD install on JEMAL
  • Friday, 01/30: APEX harvest 3, EpiGenetics
  • Saturday, 01/31: Weekly Cleaning, Crew Day Off

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:







[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)


[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3


Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)


Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3

Full up