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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/20/15

Coarsening in Solid Liquid Mixtures (CSLM)-4: Virts set up and began processing on the first of six CSLM-4 runs. Over the next week, six CSLM sample processing units (SPUs) will be processed in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) and prepared for return on SpaceX-5. For each run, the crew will configure valves and connections to vent the SPU and water lines, start the automated processing sequence, transfer experiment data and exchange the processed SPU with a new one after each sample run. CSLM-4 is a materials science investigation that studies the growth and solidification processes (i.e., coarsening) in lead-tin solid-liquid mixtures that contain a small amount (low volume fraction) of tin branch-like (i.e., dendritic) structures, some of which possess many arms. During sample heating, the growth at the tip of each dendrite continues over time, whereas side branches, behind the tip, develop during constant temperature (i.e., isothermal) conditions. By understanding how temperature and time control the growth of such dendrites, researchers hope to develop more efficient and economical means of producing higher quality products derived from the casting of molten metals.

Binary Colloidal Alloy Test (BCAT)-Low Gravity Phase Kinetics Platform (KP): Wilmore changed the camera battery, set the intervalometer, and checked the camera alignment and focus for the BCAT-KP experiment. BCAT-KP provides a platform for material and industrial scientists to investigate colloid phase changes, providing results that may be used to develop new colloidal materials and formulations with unique properties. The results may support new applications, from new liquid crystals to consumer goods having longer shelf life and uses.

Fruit Fly Lab -1 (FFL-1): Cristoforetti prepared the Maintenance Work Area (MWA) for Fruit Fly Lab operations, removed old food trays from fly cassettes in the Nanoracks Biorack platform-3 and applied a RNAlater fixative solution. The samples will then be frozen in the Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). New fly cassettes will be installed into the NanoRacks Centrifuge to continue the Fruit Fly experiment. Drosophila melanogaster, or the fruit fly, serves as a useful model organism to investigate the biological effects of the space environment. In previous experiments, it’s been shown that the innate immune system of the fly is affected by spaceflight. In this experiment we plan on studying what the combined effect of altered host immunity and altered microbial physiology will be in the space flight environment.

Dragon Cargo Transfer: Today, the crew continued with cargo operations for the newly arrived SpaceX-5 Dragon. The crew has completed ~18 hours of the estimated 65 hours needed to unpack then pack SpaceX-5 cargo.

Lithium-ion Battery Charger Calibration: Wilmore performed a series of checks to determine if the Lithium-ion Battery Charger is operating within calibration standards. This verification is required once every five years.

Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Quarterly Maintenance: As part of periodic maintenance, Wilmore greased the ARED Vibration Isolation System (VIS) Rails, Rollers, Upper Stop catch plates, and Rack Indicator Catch Mechanisms. He then inspected the X-Rotation Dashpots.

Tracking Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-L Testing: Wilmore successfully performed S-Band and Ku-Band communications checks with MCC-H via the new satellite. TDRS-L, which launched from Cape Canaveral on January 23rd 2014 has been undergoing various testing sessions. Provided the remaining test objectives are successful, TDRS-L will replace an older geo-synchronous satellite located at 41 degrees west longitude on February 9th 2015. TDRS-L is a third-generation spacecraft with new designs to ensure vital operational continuity for NASA by expanding the lifespan of the TDRS fleet.

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF – Urine Sample Collection and insertion into MELFI
  • BCAT – Camera Battery Replacement and image downlink
  • BAR. Experiment Run
  • CSLM-2 sample processing. Crew completes vacuum cleaning, powers up ECU and activates CSLM-2 in preparation for the experiment
  • SLT – Reboot
  • ARED – Lubrication
  • EMU- Conductivity Test
  • Filter R&R on dust collectors ПС1 and ПС2 in FGB
  • RGN-REC TK – Transfer and Replacement
  • ESPANDER Exercise
  • WRS – Water Recovery System Container Filling
  • Environment Micro Ecosphere Checkup – Sampling at Sampling Points Nos 1-8. Refrigerator Insertion for Incubation / r/g 7733
  • ECG Daily Recording (completion)
  • FFL01 – Familiarization and Training Before Experiment Run
  • CSLM-2 SPU exchange with crew
  • FGB Interior Panel Ventilation Grille Cleaning (panels 201, 301, 401)
  • EDV (KOV) Filling (Separation) for ELEKTRON or EDV-SV
  • FFL01 – Secure Samples
  • ECG Daily Recording (beginning)
  • ARED – Lubrication of Guides
  • CSLM2 – data check after re-recording
  • PROBOY. Mounting, Connection of Cables and Microphones in ПрК
  • Med Ops OBT
  • FFL01 – Replacement of Trays
  • EHS system AQM transfer
  • AQM Cartridge Replacement
  • Charge unit calibration compatibility check with EMU
  • PROBOY. Mounting, Connection of Cables and Microphones in ПрК
  • Preparation of СА-325 Boxes (2 pcs) of Regul-OC System to be Returned on SpX-5
  • Transfer of СА-325 Boxes (2 pcs) of Regul-OC System to ISS US OS Crew Member to be Returned on SpX-5
  • CSLM-2 dew point vacuum check part 1
  • RGN REC-TNK – Pressure Relief Hose Removal for Nominal Ops.
  • FFL01- insertion of samples into MELFI
  • CSLM-2 dew point vacuum check part 2
  • Comm checks S/G 2,3,4
  • Preparation for МО-21. ECOSFERA Power Pack Charging

Completed Task List Items

  • None

Ground Activities

All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • P1-2 MDM Powercycle
  • S-Band String Swap (1 to 2) in preparation for RPCM LAD11B_A R&R scheduled for tomorrow
  • TDRS-L Voice, Command, and Telemetry Checks

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Wednesday, 01/21: APEX-03 Payload Harvest, Ocular Health, Cargo Ops, T-Cell, NanoRacks Plate Reader Remove
  • Thursday, 01/22: CATS External Payload Transfer, Cargo Ops, Ocular Health, Epigenetics, Emergency OBT
  • Friday, 01/23: CIR MDCA replace, Ocular Health Cardiac Ops, MagVector

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:







[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)


[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3


Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)


Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3

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