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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/22/14

SpaceX-4 Launch: Weather prevented SpaceX from launching their Falcon 9 Rocket on Saturday from Cape Canaveral’s Launch Complex 40. After a 24 hour scrub, they were able to launch on Sunday at 12:52am CDT. Once in orbit, the spacecraft’s solar arrays were successfully deployed and its Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) bay door was opened. However, ground teams lost data from the vehicle’s Space Integrated Global Inertial Navigation System (SIGI) and were unable to recover the system. The vehicle still maintains the required 3 of 4 navigation sensors on-board to continue with rendezvous operations.

Dragon has started a series of phasing burns in order to setup a rendezvous with ISS tomorrow. The spacecraft is currently trailing ISS by 492 km and is 10 km below the ISS orbit. Capture is scheduled to occur on Tuesday, 23 September at 6:04am CDT.

SpaceX-4 Preparation: Gerst and Wiseman performed their 3rd Dragon Robot On-Board Training (OBT) session today. The purpose of this session was to perform two Capture Point (CP) hold runs, allowing the Crew to practice free drift timing, malfunctions, nominal rate approaches, and as many 2 meter approaches as time allowed.

Rodent Research Transfer Review: Wiseman and Gerst deferred their review of Rodent Research Animal Transfer material until tomorrow.

Aquatic Habitat (AQH) Pre Experiment Reconfiguration: Gerst performed water exchange and configured the Aquatic habitat in preparation for the Zebrafish Muscle experiment arriving on 40S. The Zebrafish Muscle Experiment investigates whether atrophy of muscles under the condition of microgravity also occurs in Zebrafish and why atrophy occurs in the microgravity. Physical exercise and control of posture are important for maintaining muscle mass and strength. In simulated or actual microgravity, postural or anti-gravity muscles undergo substantial atrophy because of prominent decrease in the gravity-dependent reflection activity.

SPRINT Ultrasound : Crew set up the ultrasound 2 equipment to support Wisemans Sprint FD 120 session. The Ultrasound Muscle Volume Scan activities were performed with remote guidance from ground team. The Integrated Resistance and Aerobic Training Study (Sprint) evaluates the use of high intensity, low volume exercise training to minimize loss of muscle, bone, and cardiovascular function in ISS crewmembers during long-duration missions.

IVA Clothing: Suraev continued his IVA clothing study. Sufficient cotton clothes for a crew of six adds more than 900 pounds of freight to the ISS. Replacing crew uniforms with non-cotton apparel could reduce weight for cargo launches and trash removal, and provide crewmembers with more comfortable, longer-lasting clothes. The IVA Clothing investigation assessed these different types of clothing for long duration wear.

Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation: Wiseman and Gerst worked on configuring EVA tools in preparation for upcoming EVA 27 for Pump Module (PM) relocation and Mobile Transporter Relay Assembly (MTRA) installation, scheduled for October 7th.

Today’s Planned Activities

All activities have been completed unless otherwise noted.

  • Laptop RS1(2) reboot
  • Laptop RSS2 reboot / r/g1009 step 1
  • Testing ПСС СМ
  • Inspect [СМ-У] cnctr on [МНР-НС] behind panel 139 [АСУ]
  • MSPR-ZEBRA. Rack setup and activation
  • USND2 – equipment setup and activation
  • [В3] fan grilles cleaning in DC1
  • SPRINT- ultrasound examination
  • [ВД1] and [ВД2] airducts cleaning in DC1
  • SPRINT – experiment run – assist
  • Cleaning of ventilation grilles on FGB interior panels
  • XF305- camcorder setup
  • Equipment reconfiguration for AQH experiment, Part 1
  • Replacement of filters in [ПС1], [ПС2] dust collectors in FGB
  • USND2- close out ops and equipment stow
  • Equipment reconfiguration for AQH experiment, Part 2
  • SOZh maintenance
  • OBT – review Dragon rndz and docking procedures
  • СКПФ1, СКПФ2 dust filters replacement and cleaning of ГЖТ gas-liquid heat exchanger in MRM1
  • ROBoT – training exercise debrief
  • IVA – dried clothes stow / USOS procedural support
  • EVA tool prep
  • Stow items for disposal on Progress 423 (DC1) with IMS update / r/g 6632
  • IFM – “Pin Kit” equipment setup for ETVCG [Deferred]
  • BSA battery discharge termination
  • BSA battery charge initiation
  • MSPR-ZEBRA. Rack deactivation and close-out ops
  • IVA – questionnaire on casual wear / USOS procedural support

Completed Task List Items

  • ISS guided tour [Complete]
  • RPOP Setup [Complete]
  • EMU power degas [Complete]


  • Video Survey of Starboard TRRJ [Complete]
  • Node 2 Nadir Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Prepare for Mate
  • Node 2 Nadir Active CBM (ACBM) Inspection

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Tuesday, 09/23: Dragon Capture and Berth
  • Wednesday, 09/24: Dragon Ingress/ Unpack, Rodent Research Transfer, Micro8 Transfer
  • Thursday, 09/25: 40S Launch and Dock, Zebra Fish Water exchange, Rodent Research Prep

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:







[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)


[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3


Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)


Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3

Full up