ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/18/14
Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF) Multi-user Droplet Combustion Apparatus (MDCA) hardware replacement: Wiseman performed Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) rack maintenance and MDCA hardware replacement. After the CIR doors were opened, the MDCA Chamber Insert assembly (CIA) was removed from the CIR Combustion Chamber and restrained to the MWA Work Surface Area. The crew replaced two windows inside the CIR Combustion Chamber, replaced two MDCA Fuel Reservoirs and re-installed the MDCA CIA in the chamber. This work is in preparation for continuation of the FLEX-2 experiment. FLEX-2 uses small droplets of fuel to study the special burning characteristics of fire in space. The FLEX-2 experiment studies the rate and manner in which fuel is burned, the conditions that are necessary for soot to form, and the way in which a mixture of fuels evaporate before burning. The results from these experiments will give scientists a better understanding how fires behave in space and will provide important information that will be useful in increasing the fuel efficiency of engines using liquid fuels.
Ocular Health: Gerst and Wiseman setup Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) hardware and software to perform the Gerst Flight Day 120 eye exam. The Ocular Health protocol calls for a systematic gathering of physiological data to characterize the risk of microgravity-induced visual impairment/intracranial pressure in ISS crewmembers. Researchers believe that the measurement of visual, vascular and central nervous system changes over the course of this experiment and during the subsequent post-flight recovery will assist in the development of countermeasures, clinical monitoring strategies, and clinical practice guidelines.
IVA Clothing: Suraev continued his IVA clothing study. Sufficient cotton clothes for a crew of six adds more than 900 pounds of freight to the ISS. Replacing crew uniforms with non-cotton apparel could reduce weight for cargo launches and trash removal, and provide crewmembers with more comfortable, longer-lasting clothes. The IVA Clothing investigation assesses these different types of clothing for long duration wear.
Space headaches: Gerst completed a Space headaches questionnaire. The objectives of this study are to obtain in-flight data allowing evaluation of the prevalence and characteristics of headache in microgravity.
PRO K: Wiseman completed the Diet log and urine pH test for the four day controlled and monitored diet session. Pro-K investigates dietary countermeasures to lessen bone loss of astronauts. Pro K proposes that a flight diet with a decreased ratio of animal protein to potassium will lead to decreased loss of bone mineral. Pro K has impacts on the definition of nutritional requirements and development of food systems for future exploration missions, and could yield a method of counteracting bone loss that would have virtually no risk of side effects.
Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV)-5 Transfer: The ATV to Service Module (SM) propellant system hydraulic lines leak checks were completed nominally. The prop lines are leak proof. The ATV fuel tanks are scheduled to be pressurized on September 23 and propellant transfer is scheduled for September 24. At the time of launch, 860kg of propellant was available for transfer. In addition, Gerst performed the third Oxygen (O2) repress from ATV-5 tanks to introduce additional O2into the ISS atmosphere. At the time of launch Tank 1 had 33.3 kg air and Tanks 2 and 3 had 66.7 kg O2available.
Standard Maintenance Tasks: Gerst completed a change out of the Water Recovery system (WRS) Recycle Tank and also filled the Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WRS) flush tank fill. These are standard tasks necessary to keep the systems operating. Gerst also completed maintenance on the Compound Specific Analyzer – Combustible Products (CSA-CP). He performed a battery change out of all the CSA-CP units and then performed a zero calibration.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities have been completed unless otherwise noted.
- PROK – Urine Sample Collection
- Laptop RS1(2) Reboot
- Laptop RSS2 Reboot / r/g 1009
- SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test
- Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
- Video Downlink End
- WRS Maintenance
- CIR – Rack Doors Open
- Installation of Software Version 4.0 on the station RSE-Med Laptop / r/g 6661
- ATV – start repress
- MDCA Hardware Replacement
- ESA Weekly Crew Conference
- АСУ Receptacle and Hoses Replacement / r/g 6660
- OH – Ocular Health (setup)
- IPOM – calibration
- CIR- Rack Doors Close
- SHD – Space Headaches Weekly Questionnaire
- OH – Ocular Health (CMO)
- OH – Ocular Health OCT Exam (Subject)
- ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position
- ISERV- open window shutter
- OCT equipment stow
- Scheduled Maintenance of Compound Specific Analyzer- Combustion Products (CSA-CP)
- Connecting TV Camera КЛ-153М to MRM1 TVS / r/g 6655
- PROK – Controlled Diet Log
- CIR Equipment Stow
- MPEG2 КЛ-211 Camcorder connection to Ethernet / r/g 6656
- ATV – Terminate Repress
- TVS MPEG2 Multicast Streaming Test via KU OCA – USOS Comm Unit. / r/g 6612
- HRF Hardware Setup
- СОЖ Maintenance
- PAO Equipment Setup
- Crew Prep for PAO
- WHC Flush Water Tank Fill
- Fundoscope – Ocular Health (OH) Equipment Setup
- IVA – Exercise Clothes Survey
- Fundoscope – Ocular Health (OH) Prep
- IMS Delta File Prep
- Fundoscope – Ocular Health Exam (СМО)
- Fundoscope – Ocular Health (Subject)
- Fundoscope – Ocular Health Exam (Stowage)
- Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
- IVA – Reading Routine Clothes Reminder
- Dried Clothes Stowage
Completed Task List Items
- CTB 1226 unpack [In Work]
- ISS Guided Tour [In Work]
- ATV fuel system leak checks [Complete]
- EPS Solar Array Voltage Maximum Power [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
- Friday, 09/19: Ocular health Ultrasound & Cardio Ops; Dragon OBT, EVA Airlock Unstow
- Saturday, 09/20: Weekly Cleaning, Crew off duty, SpaceX-4 Launch: 1:14am CDT
- Sunday, 09/21: Crew off duty, HRF Blood & Urine collection, Dragon OBT
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | On |
Vozdukh | Off |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | On |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Standby |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Stop |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Standby |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Standby |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full up |