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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/28/14

Urine Collection: Commander (CDR) Wakata collected urine for his Return-15 day session for the Cardio Ox and Biochemical Profiles investigations. The Biochemical Profile experiment tests blood and urine samples obtained from astronauts before, during, and after spaceflight. Specific proteins and chemicals in the samples are used as biomarkers, or indicators of health. Post-flight analysis yields a database of samples and test results, which scientists can use to study the effects of spaceflight on the body. The goal of Cardio Ox is to determine whether biological markers of oxidative and inflammatory stress are elevated during and after space flight and whether this results in an increased, long-term risk of atherosclerosis risk in astronauts. Twelve crewmembers provide blood and urine samples to assess biomarkers before launch, 15 and 60 days after launch, 15 days before returning to Earth, and within days after landing. Ultrasound scans of the carotid and brachial arteries are obtained at the same time points, as well as through 5 years after landing, as an indicator of cardiovascular health.

Microbiome Saliva Collection: Flight Engineer (FE)-5 Mastracchio collected saliva for his Return-15 day session of Microbiome. The Microbiome experiment investigates the impact of space travel on both the human immune system and an individual’s microbiome (the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body at any given time).

Petri Plants Light Set Up: Previous light meter readings in the US Lab were reported by the crew to be lower than expected. In order to mitigate the lower light values, FE-3 Swanson deployed a work light at the Deck 1 rack in the US Lab in preparation for the Petri Plant investigation that was delivered on SpaceX (SpX)-3.

Biotube-Magnetophoretically Induced Curvature in Roots (Biotube-MICRO) Installation: Swanson installed the Biotube-MICRO investigation delivered on SpX-3 into Express Rack (ER) 8. Later in the SpX-3 berthed mission, the BioTube MICRO investigation will be activated. BioTube MICRO investigates the potential for magnetic fields to orient plant roots as they grow in microgravity. Plants are not directly sensitive to magnetic fields, but starch grains, called amyloplasts, in plant cells respond to external magnetic fields. Brassica rapa seedlings will be grown in microgravity in the presence of magnets with about 50 times the strength of refrigerator magnets to see whether the orientation of the amyloplasts or other factors induce curvature in roots as they form.

Cell Mechanosensing (CMS)-1: Wakata detached eight Measurement Experiment Units from the Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF). He then performed a medium exchange using the Medium Cassettes and Measurement Experiment Solution Exchangers. The Measurement Experiment Units will then be reinstalled into the CBEF incubator unit 1G centrifuge and micro-gravity sample tray. CMS-1 identifies gravity sensors in skeletal muscle cells and helps develop countermeasures to muscle atrophy, a key space health issue. Scientists believe that the lack of mechanical stress from gravity causes tension fluctuations in the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle cells, in turn, changing the expression of key proteins and genes and allowing muscles to atrophy. Muscle cells from rats and kidney cells from African clawed frogs are given fluorescent gene markers and then attached to an extracellular matrix under different tensions.

Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Maintenance: Swanson drew 60mL of cooling loop water from the Display and Control Module (DCM) of EMUs 3005 and 3011, which were used for last week’s EVA, for chemical analysis. He also performed ionic and particulate filtration (scrubbing) and biocidal maintenance (iodination) of EMU and Airlock cooling water loops. Mastracchio then performed a conductivity measurement of water samples on each suit taking a pre and post loop scrub sample from both.

Short Extravehicular Mobility Unit (SEMU) Launch Enclosure (SLE) Rotation: Mastracchio and Swanson removed the new EMU 3003 from its launch enclosure in SpX-3 and inserted EMU 3015 in the enclosure for return to Earth. Prior to the rotation, they verified that EMU 3015’s soft stow covers and Secondary Oxygen Pack (SOP) ancillary hardware was installed.

On Board Training (OBT) Medical Contingency: In preparation for 37S undock next month and resulting 3-crew operations, Swanson, Skvortsov and Artemyev practiced crew communication and coordination necessary to perform medical emergency procedures. They accessed Health Maintenance System (HMS) components utilized during an emergency, determined deployed configuration of the components and individual method of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) performance in 0g.

Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) S04B_E Remote Power Controller (RPC) 4 Trip – On Sunday, RPCM S04B_E RPC 4 tripped. There was no overcurrent. The RPC powers a redundant heater on the Trailing Umbilical System (TUS) 2 Video Signal Converter (VSC). This RPC had tripped previously due to a Hybrid Field Effect Transister (FET) Controller Failure and had been closed since April 18. The RPC was closed on the first try during troubleshooting today.

Dragon Trunk Survey: Robotics ground controllers powered up the Mobile Servicing System (MSS) and maneuvered the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) into position to grapple the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and unstow it from Mobile Base System (MBS) Power Data Grapple Fixture (PDGF)-2. They are currently maneuvering the SSRMS and SPDM into position to perform a survey of the SpaceX-3 Dragon Trunk. The survey will be performed overnight during crew sleep in preparation for robotics activities to deliver the High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) and Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) payloads from Dragon to ISS this week.

SpaceX-3 (SpX-3) Cargo Operations: The crew has completed 57.4% of Dragon cargo operations through the end of the work day today.

Today’s Planned Tasks

  • HRF. Urine sample draw. [Complete]
  • SM Caution and Warning Panel (ПСС) test [Complete]
  • Inspection of connector СМ-У on МНР-НС behind panel139 АСУ [Complete]
  • Laptop RS1(2) reboot [Complete]
  • Laptop RSS1, RSS2 reboot / r/g 1009 [Complete]
  • HRF – saliva sample draw [Complete]
  • HRF – sample placement in MELFI [Complete]
  • МО-8. Setup / МО book 2 [Complete]
  • HRF – sample placement in MELFI [Complete]
  • Body mass measurement [Complete]
  • МО-8. Closeout ops [Complete]
  • BIOME – questionnaire [Complete]
  • DPC (S-band) [Complete]
  • ARED – lubrication [Complete]
  • CMS – data collection [Complete]
  • KONSTANTA. Research session #5 – prep and execution r/g 5473 [Complete]
  • Antivirus software update on ВКС laptops/ r/g 5201 [Complete]
  • Vision check [Complete]
  • CMS – kit removal from MELFI [Complete]
  • CMS. Media equipment replacement [Complete]
  • SEISMOPROGNOZ. БСПН data downlink via RSS1 r/g 5478 [Complete]
  • Vision questionnaire [Complete]
  • Atmosphere analysis on RS ISS using АОК ГАНК-4М sensors [Complete]
  • SEMU) Launch Enclosure (SLE) Rotation. [Complete]
  • ИП-1sensor placement check [Complete]
  • EXPOSE-R. Equipment test readiness check r/g 5479 [Complete]
  • SEMU Launch Enclosure (SLE) Rotation. [Complete]
  • CMS. Media equipment replacement [Complete]
  • Progress 427 (DC1) unpack, IMS update r/g 5317 [Complete]
  • СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
  • CMS – cartridge replacement [Complete]
  • EMU – water sampling [Complete]
  • EMU suit cooling loop scrub – start [Complete]
  • CMS harmful contaminants measurement in SМ [Complete]
  • Sediment sampling in БРП-М / r/g 5477 [Complete]
  • IMMUNO. “SALIVA-IMMUNO” kit prep for experiment / r/g 5472 [Complete]
  • Training with CHECS hardware [Complete]
  • HRF. Urine sampling. [Complete]
  • Atmosphere Formaldehyde monitor deployment ops (FMK) [Complete]
  • GSC container sampling [Complete]
  • FGB interior vent grid cleaning [Complete]
  • HRF – sample placement in MELFI [Complete]
  • EMU – water sampling [Complete]
  • HRF – placement of frozen blood samples [Complete]
  • EMU suit cooling loop scrub – end [Complete]
  • HRF. Urine sampling [Complete]
  • HRF – sample placement in MELFI [Complete]
  • БВН mesh cleaning in Soyuz 711 [Complete]
  • Audio journal fill [Complete]
  • EMU – H2O- conductivity test [Complete]
  • VIRU. Software troubleshooting. r/g 5474 [Complete]
  • PETRI – back up time [Complete]
  • Progress 427 (DC1) unpack, IMS update r/g 5317 [Complete]
  • SEISMOPROGNOZ. БСПН data downlink via RSS1 (end) / r/g 5478 [Complete]
  • VIRU. Battery charge (end) / r/g 5256 [Complete]
  • VIRU. Hardware setup for “Relaksatsiya” experiment. р/г 5475 [Complete]
  • IMS update [Complete]
  • BTUBE. Bio samples transfer and placement in Express Rack [Complete]
  • VIRU. Parameter settings for “Relaksatsiya” experimeiment r/g 5475 [Complete]
  • VZAIMODEISTVIE. Experiment session / r/g 5391 [Complete]
  • PE data downlink / r/g 2639 [Complete]
  • VIRU. Earth observation per “Relaksatsiya” experiment ” r/g 5475 [Complete]
  • HRF. Urine sampling [Complete]
  • Close USOS window shutter [Complete]
  • HRF – sample placement in MELFI [Complete]
  • DPC (S-band) [Complete]
  • VIRU. Closeout ops and hardware teardown after “Relaksatsiya” r/g 5475 [Complete]

Task List

  • ARED Cylinder Evac
  • IFM Sabatier purge
  • WHC KTO Replace
  • Roscosmos Report
  • Uragan Photo
  • Ekon Photo
  • 37S US prepack [In work]
  • CSA CP c/o pt. 2
  • EMU 3005 photos
  • ICE2 t/s part 2 [Paused]
  • XFER Dragon Cargo Ops [In work]
  • Crew departure prep
  • Data prep return
  • CSA-CP C/O Pt 2
  • ST ISS Read


  • Robotics operations – Dragon trunk survey

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Tuesday, 04/29: Hybrid training, EMU A/L flush, Petri Plate training/activation, cargo transfer ops
  • Wednesday, 04/30: Hybrid training, FASTER insert, CARDIO OX Ultrasound
  • Thursday, 05/01: Crew holiday (International Labor Day)

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

Component Status
Elektron On
Vozdukh Manual
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) On
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Stop
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Full up