ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/25/14
53 Progress (53P) Re-dock: On Wednesday, 53P undocked from the Russian Segment Service Module (SM), remained in orbit, then performed a test to re-rendezvous and dock with ISS today which was performed nominally at 7:15am CDT. The test demonstrated vehicle ability to automatically complete a full rendezvous and docking with the Kurs-NA System. 53P is the second Progress to test the Kurs-NA system, an improvement to Kurs-A, which will be part of the upgraded Progress vehicles.
Glacier Unpack: Flight Engineer (FE)-3 Swanson unpacked Cell Mechanosensing-1 samples and the Hand-Held High Density Protein Crystal Growth (HDPCG) from the Glacier in Dragon. The Glacier will remain in Dragon and powered throughout the duration of the mission. Prior to final cargo stow, the Glacier will be swapped with another Glacier on ISS.
Hand-Held High Density Protein Crystal Growth (HDPCG) Activation: Swanson activated the Handheld HDPCG delivered on SpaceX-3 (SpX-3). This investigation focuses on the crystallization of monoclonal antibodies which are immune cells that can specifically bind to target cells or proteins. Developed at Merck Research Laboratories, the monoclonal antibodies are currently undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of an immunological disease. High quality crystals can be used by the pharmaceutical industry to determine protein structure, improve drug delivery and drug purification methods and to develop better methods for the storage of biologically active ingredients.
Commercial Protein Crystal Growth – High density protein crystal growth Modified (CPCG-HM) Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator II (MERLIN) Software Update: Swanson updated the software on MERLINs 4 and 5 in support of the CPCG-HM payload delivered on SpX-3. This investigation expands an ongoing program into the complex realm of membrane proteins that move signals or molecules to and from a cell’s interior or help cells identify each other for immune responses. Proteins in the microgravity environment are exposed to conditions that concentrate them so they form crystals that would be too fragile to form on Earth, but which can be returned to Earth for X-ray analysis.
Sprint: With the help of Commander Wakata, Swanson took Sprint ultrasound data for his Flight Day (FD) 30 ultrasound Sprint session, first placing reference marks on his right calf and thigh for the ultrasound scans. Sprint evaluates the use of high intensity, low volume exercise training to minimize loss of muscle, bone, and cardiovascular function in ISS crewmembers during long-duration missions. Ultrasound scans are on FD 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and Return-7 for mission duration of six months and are used to evaluate spaceflight-induced changes in the muscle volume.
Hybrid Training Part Ten: Wakata donned the Hybrid Training hardware which provides electrical impulses to his non-dominant arm during concentric and eccentric arm motions. The electrical impulses help simulate the resistance gravity would provide on the ground. This was Wakata’s tenth of twelve Hybrid Training sessions. Hybrid Training will be used for Wakata’s upper limbs (the non-dominant arm) for four weeks and his muscular strength and bulk will be compared to those of his dominant arm to examine its orbital operation capability utility, as well as the preventive for muscle atrophy. Hybrid Training can become a useful back-up for the standard training device on the ISS. It can also be a useful training device in small space ships for the exploration of the Moon and Mars.
Cell Mechanosensing (CMS) Sample Preparation: Wakata prepared for the CMS-1 investigation by installing the Measurement Experiment Unit A into the Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) 1G centrifuge and micro-gravity sample tray. He will continue the CMS-1 investigation next week. CMS-1 identifies gravity sensors in skeletal muscle cells and helps develop countermeasures to muscle atrophy, a key space health issue. Scientists believe that the lack of mechanical stress from gravity causes tension fluctuations in the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle cells, in turn, changing the expression of key proteins and genes and allowing muscles to atrophy. Muscle cells from rats and kidney cells from African clawed frogs are given fluorescent gene markers, then attached to an extracellular matrix under different tensions.
Skin-B: Swanson conducted his second Skin-B data collection using the Tewameter probe to measure the skin barrier function; the Visioscan Camera to measure skin surface topography; and the Corneometer probe to measure skin hydration. The Skin-B experiment will improve understanding of skin aging which is slow on Earth but greatly accelerated in space. This will also provide insights into the aging process in other (similar) bodily tissues in general. The data could help in determining impact on astronauts on future missions to the Moon and Mars for example where environmental conditions are more challenging.
NanoRacks BioRack Troubleshooting: On Monday, the ground was unable to receive data from the NanoRacks BioRack in NanoRack Platform 3. Today, Swanson replaced a bent data cable by modifying a similar cable on orbit. After the modification was complete the ground was still not able to see data from the NanoRacks BioRack and believe the issue could be related to the Internet Protocol (IP) address. Ground teams are working a forward plan. NanoRacks BioRack contains two investigations. NanoRacks-CellBox-Primary Human Macrophages in Microgravity Environment (NanoRacks-CellBox-PRIME) investigates microgravity-associated long-term alterations in primary human macrophages, which are responsible for attacking, and killing bacteria and other foreign and pathogenic intruders in the human body. NanoRacks-CellBox-Effect of Microgravity on Human Thyroid Carcinoma Cells (NanoRacks-CellBox-Thyroid Cancer) investigates the effects of microgravity on human thyroid carcinoma cells. The overall aim of the studies in microgravity is the identification of new biomarkers which can be used for developing new cancer drugs.
Micro-7 Fixation: FE-5 Mastracchio removed the Micro-7 fixation kit from Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA)-4 and the BioCell Habitat from CBGA-5. He processed BioCell Habitat C, then placed it in Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator II (MERLIN). He then conducted Bleomycin operations on the BioCell Habitats A and B. Lastly, he processed BioCell Habitats A & B with fixation kits and stowed them in MERLIN. The BioCell Habitat D operations will take place later during the SpX-3 berthed mission. The majority of cells in the human body are non-dividing cells that provide critical functions from blood cells to cells in different organs. Micro-7 studies how microgravity affects the genetic expression and physical shape of these types of cells for the first time. Understanding how these cells function in microgravity is a step toward understanding how organs, tissues, and the entire body change during spaceflight.
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Ops: Yesterday Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the MSS and translated the Mobile Transporter (MT) from Worksite 2 (WS2) to WS6. They then ungrappled the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) from SX-3 Dragon and maneuvered it to a park position to pick up the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) next Monday for the start of the Robotics Operations to remove the High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) and the Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) payloads from the Dragon Trunk and install them on the ISS.
Today’s Planned Tasks
- CHROMATOMASS. Experiment Setup / r/g 5287 [Complete]
- Laptop RS1(2) Reboot / Onboard Computer System [Complete]
- CMS PFE subject [Complete]
- CMS PFE CMO [Complete]
- SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
- RSS1,2 Reboot / r/g 1009 [Complete]
- USOS window shutter close [Complete]
- MICRO-7 Maintenance Work Area Preparation [Complete]
- MICRO-7 Fixation Ops C Procedure Review [Complete]
- MICRO-7 MELFI removal [Complete]
- Micro-7 FIXATION OPS on Biocell habitat [Complete]
- CHROMATOMASS. Saliva and Blood Collection / r/g 5287 [Complete]
- EHS TOCA WRS sample analysis [Complete]
- Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
- Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 power on [Complete]
- Ultrasound 2 hard disk clean [Complete]
- MICRO-7 Bleomycin ops on BioCell habitat [Complete]
- Stem Cells MELFI insert [Complete]
- Skin B nominal ops [Complete]
- Journals audio entry [Complete]
- Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 power off [Complete]
- Cell Mechanosensing sample prep [Complete]
- FPEF cable connect [Complete]
- MD10 cable disconnect [Complete]
- PWD sampling [Complete]
- MICRO-7 Bleomycin ops on BioCell habitat [Complete]
- MICRO-7 Fixation ops A,B procedure review
- SPRINT guide donning operator [Complete]
- SPRINT ultrasound ops [Complete]
- IMS conference [Complete]
- Hybrid training [Complete]
- ISS crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Management Team) r/g 5446 [Complete]
- VIRTUAL. Experiment ops. r/g 5285 [Complete]
- CHROMATOMASS. Closeout Ops / r/g 5287 [Complete]
- Terminate СРВК-2М БКВ Purification Column Fill / Life Support System [Complete]
- Closing window shutters No. 6,8,9,12,13,14 / r/g 5451 [Complete]
- MPEG2 Multicast Test [Complete]
- Preparation for ТКГ 421 Docking / СУДН r/g 5464 [Complete]
- ТКГ 421 Docking to SM Aft / TORU 4, r/g 5464 [Complete]
- Restore Nominal Comm Configuration [Complete]
- Activation of MPEG2 Multicast TV Monitoring. [Complete]
- On MCC GO Activation of mpeg2 multicast video recording mode [Complete]
- Life On The Station Photo and Video / r/g 5136 [Complete]
- Closing CP SSC Laptop Applications and Downlink of MPEG2 Multicast via OCA [Complete]
- On MCC GO ТКГ 421 and SM Aft Interface Leak Check [Complete]
- Replacing E-K container and E-K hose [Complete]
- HMS FFQ [Complete]
- WRS PWR fill #1 [Complete]
- WRS PWR fill #2 [Complete]
- WRS PWR fill #3 [Complete]
- SCOF cable connect for Ice Crystal 2 [Complete]
- WRS PWR fill #4 [Complete]
- Report to MCC СП counter readings before and after replacement [Complete]
- IDENTIFIKATSIYA. Copy ИМУ-Ц micro-accelerometer data to laptop / r/g 5186 [Complete]
- ПрК-СУ Hatch Opening [Complete]
- On MCC GO ТКГ-СУ Hatch Opening [Complete]
- Installation of Quick Release Screw Clamps on SM Aft side /IRS Activation/Deactivation, [Complete]
- IMS Update [Complete]
- EHS TOCA sample data record [Complete]
- Nanoracks Biorack cable mod [Complete]
- Nanoracks Biorack Exp Containers/controllers install [Complete]
- ТКГ 421 (АО) Deactivation, Air Duct Installation / IRS Activation/Deactivation [Complete]
- CUCU circuit breaker close [Complete]
- Nanoracks Biorack centrifuge start [Deferred]
- T2 exercise video equip setup
- T2 monthly inspection
- Ham radio powerup
- Photography of traces left by the Active Docking Mechanism Probe on the Passive Mechanism Receiving Cone / r/g 2664 [Complete]
- СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
- Transfer of Docking Cone Internal Surface Photos/Video to OCA [Complete]
- On MCC GO Removal of ТКГ 421 (AO) docking mechanism and installation of two handles on the hatch door front / r/g 4412 [Complete]
- Installation of ЛКТ (ТА251М1Б) and ROM in ТКГ 421 [Complete]
Task List
- ARED Cylinder Evac
- IFM Sabatier purge
- WHC KTO Replace [Complete]
- Roscosmos Report
- Uragan Photo
- Ekon Photo
- 37S US prepack
- HMS-OHA test
- CSA CP c/o pt. 2
- Data prep return
- CSA-CP C/O Pt 2
- EMU 3005 photos
- ST-ISS read
- XFER Dragon Cargo Ops
- Nominal commanding
Three-Day Look Ahead:
- Saturday, 04/26: Crew off duty
- Sunday: 04/27: Crew off duty
- Monday, 04/28: Cell Mechanosensing media exchange, Post EVA EMU activities, IMV flow measurements, Biotube-Micro payload install
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | On |
Vozdukh | Manual |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | On |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Standby |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Stop |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Standby |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Standby |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full up |