ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/21/14
SpaceX (SpX)-3 Dragon Ingress and Cargo Transfer: Dragon hatch was opened earlier this morning. The crew began cargo operations by removing the Common Cabin Air Assembly (CCAA) Heat Exchanger (HX) from the center stack. Double cold bags were removed ahead of schedule. Dragon unpack continued throughout the day.
Hybrid Training Part Eight: Commander (CDR) Wakata donned the Hybrid Training hardware which provided electrical impulses to his non-dominant arm during concentric and eccentric arm motions. The electrical impulses help to simulate the resistance gravity would provide on the ground. This was Wakata’s eighth of twelve Hybrid Training sessions. Hybrid Training will be used for Wakata’s upper limbs (the non-dominant arm) for four weeks, and his muscular strength and bulk will be compared to those of his dominant arm to examine its orbital operation capability utility, as well as the preventive for muscle atrophy. Hybrid Training can become a useful back-up for the standard training device on the ISS. It can also be a useful training device in small space ships for the exploration of the Moon and Mars.
SpaceX-3 Payload Transfer: Flight Engineer (FE)-3 Swanson unpacked three of six Double Cold Bags (DCBs) that were delivered on SpX-3. Part of the DCB unpack included activating the Handheld High Density Protein Crystal Growth (HDPCG) and unpacking NanoRacks Module 27 and T-Cell. Wakata transferred Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator II (MERLIN) 4 containing the Commercial Protein Crystal Growth – High density protein crystal growth Modified (CPCG)-HM +4 Celsius experiment from the Dragon vehicle and installed it in Express Rack (ER) 1. Swanson also transferred MERLIN 5 containing CPCG-HM +20 Celsius experiment to ER7.
T-Cell Activation in Aging Investigation: FE-5 Mastracchio installed ten T-Cell experiment containers into KUBIK-3 and initiated a pre-incubation run. Roughly two hours later, eight of the ten experiment containers were removed from KUBIK-3, activated, and returned to KUBIK-3. Later in the day, Mastracchio removed ten containers from KUBIK-3, added a fixative to the samples, and stowed in the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). T-Cell seeks the cause of a depression in the human immune system while in microgravity. T-cells, a type of white cell, are coated with chemical receptors that must trigger together to activate the body’s immune system properly. T-cells from flight crews and ground volunteers in a range of ages are analyzed to determine changes in protein production and gene response on the ground and in microgravity.
Micro-7 Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA) Installation: Mastracchio transferred CGBA-5 containing Micro-7 from Dragon to ER8. He then inserted four Micro-7 fixation kits into CGBA-4. The majority of cells in the human body are non-dividing cells that provide critical functions, from blood cells to cells in different organs. Micro-7 studies how microgravity affects the genetic expression and physical shape of these types of cells for the first time. Understanding how these cells function in microgravity is a step toward understanding how organs, tissues, and the entire body change during spaceflight.
Microplate Initiation: Wakata inserted the NanoRacks Module-27 plate samples into the Microplate reader for scanning. The initial sample run was scheduled for 96 hours, but after a few minutes the sample run terminated. Ground teams are investigating why the sample run terminated early. The samples were stowed in Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). NanoRacks Module-27 compares the growth rates of microbes isolated from samples collected from ground-based public venues both in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station (ISS) and in the lab at University California-Davis.
NanoRacks BioRacks: FE-3 Swanson installed NanoRacks BioRacks experiment controller into the NanoRacks BioRacks centrifuge, but after the installation the ground was not able to receive data from the NanoRacks BioRacks. Ground teams are working to resolve the issue. NanoRacks BioRacks contains two investigations. NanoRacks-CellBox-Primary Human Macrophages in Microgravity Environment (NanoRacks-CellBox-PRIME) investigates microgravity-associated long-term alterations in primary human macrophages, which are responsible for attacking, and killing bacteria and other foreign and pathogenic intruders in the human body. NanoRacks-CellBox-Effect of Microgravity on Human Thyroid Carcinoma Cells (NanoRacks-CellBox-Thyroid Cancer) investigates the effects of microgravity on human thyroid carcinoma cells. The overall aim of the studies in microgravity is the identification of new biomarkers which can be used for developing new cancer drugs.
High Flow Condensate Transfer Pump: Wakata attempted to pump condensate into Water Processor Assembly (WPA) and was not able to power the high flow condensate transfer pump. An overcurrent spike occurred at the time that the pump was turned on, and the pump was never powered to an operable state. The pump was plugged in to Express Rack 1, Locker 4; it is undetermined if the rack can be power cycled due to science needs. Ground teams are assessing troubleshooting options.
Remote Power Controller (RPC) Trip: LA2A3B-C RPC 3 tripped due to overcurrent. This RPC powers LAB Utility Outlet Panel (UOP)3. The ISS Server 1, Linux Server 1, and the Crew Support Lan (CSL) server were affected and the crew relocated them to UOP8. Ground teams are assessing options.
Today’s Planned Tasks
- Reaction Self Test [Complete]
- Laptop RS1(2) Reboot [Complete]
- RSS1,2 Reboot / r/g 1009 [Complete]
- Inspection of СМ-У connector on МНР-НС separator pump behind АСУ panel 139 [Complete]
- SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]REMINDER – reading reminders [Complete]
- Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
- CQ Laptop Power off [Complete]
- DRAGON – Ingress [Complete]
- BAR. Experiment Ops. Tagup with specialists / r/g 5421 [Complete]
- ICE-SCOF – cable connection [Complete]
- Medical Kits Audit / r/g 5419 [Complete]
- SpX3 Air Sampling using АК-1М sampler prior to Air Duct Installation r/g 5420 [Complete]
- Medical Kits Audit / r/g 5419 [In work]
- Dragon Hatch Open Photos [Complete]
- CCAA Unpacking and temp stowage [Complete]
- DRAGON. Transfer Ops [Complete]
- SEINER. Photo Spectral System (ФСС) Battery Charge (start) / r/g 3620 [Complete]
- TOCA Calibration [Complete]
- HYBRID – Training [Complete]
- СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
- DCB – Coldbag Unpack [Complete]
- VCA2 cam setup [Complete]
- TCELL – Equipment Transfer to Comumbus [Complete]
- TCELL – T-Cell Installation in KUBIK 3 [Complete]
- DRAGON. Cargo transfer [Complete]
- CQ Laptop Power On [Complete]
- CONSTANTA. Prep and Execution 4. r/g 5418 [Complete]
- DCB – Coldbag Unpack [Complete]
- R&R and Photography of the АСП-О cover seal in SM / r/g 5423 [Complete]
- MOD27 – Samples Retrieval from MELFI [Complete]
- PLATЕ – Initial Microplate Scanning [Complete]
- WRM condensate pump init [Aborted]
- WRM pump terminate [Complete]
- TCELL – Activation [Complete]
- On MCC Go Removing two Handles from Progress 421 (AO) Front Hatch Cover r/g 4329 [Complete]
- ТК 711 Kazbek Fit Check [Complete]
- MICRO7 – Micro-7 Kit Transfer to USOS Express Rack [Complete]
- SEINER. Observation and Photography using Photo Spectrum System (ФСС) / r/g 5424 [Complete]
- TOCA – Calibration, Checking Data Recording [Complete]
- CPCG – Sample Transfer and Activation [Complete]
- MRM2 comm config to support voice comm during the experiment [Complete]
- RELAKSATSIYA УФС and ВК-1 r/g 5422 [Complete]
- CPCG – Photography [Complete]
- Kulonovskiy Kristall Experiment Run. r/g 5425 [Complete]
- TCELL – Removal and Fixation of 6 Containers from KUBIK 3 [Complete]
- NANO – NanoRacks BioRack Experiment Containers and Controllers Installation [In Work]
- DRAGON. Cargo Transfer [Complete]
- TCELL – MELFI Sample Insertion at – 80 deg C [Complete]
- MICRO7 – Micro-7 Insertion in CGBA-4 [Complete]
- ТКГ 427 (DC1) Transfers and IMS Ops / ТКГ 427 Cargo Transfers (РПР) + r/g 5317 [Complete]
- MATRYOSHKA-R BUBBLE-dosimeter gathering and readings. r/g 5417 [Complete]
- Restore Nominal Comm Configuration / Communications System [РТК] [Complete]
- Retrieval of Radi-N dosimeters from deployed locations [Complete]
- RADIN – Handover of Detectors to RS [Complete]
- MATRYOSHKA-R. Receiving BUBBLE-dosimeter detectors from USOS. r/g 5417 [Complete]
- MATRYOSHKA-R BUBBLE-dosimeter gathering and readings. r/g 5417 [Complete]
- KULONOVSKIY KRISTALL. Copy and Downlink Data via РСПИ / r/g 5425 [Complete]
- NANO – NanoRacks BioRack Experiment Containers and Controllers Installation [Complete]
- ISS HAM – Conference with Students [Complete]
- TCELL – Fixation of KUBIK 3 container [Complete]
- Dragon Cargo Operations Conference [Complete]
- TCELL – MELFI Sample Insertion at – 80 deg C [Complete]
- OBT – Dragon Emergency Review [Complete]
Task List
- ARED Cylinder Evac
- IMS edit
- WHC KTO Replace
- Roscosmos Report
- Ocean Observe
- Uragan Photo
- Ekon Photo
- HMS-OHA test
- No skid tape audit
- ARED SSCV5 pre-gather
- Data prep return
- HMS OHA test
- KTO EDV audit
- MI core return prep
- ST-ISS read
- XFER Dragon Cargo Ops
- Nominal commanding
Three-Day Look Ahead:
- Tuesday, 04/22: EVA 26 prep
- Wednesday, 04/23: 53P undock, EVA 26
- Thursday, 04/24: Post EVA 26 cleanup
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | Off |
Vozdukh | Manual |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | On |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Standby |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Stop |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Process |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Standby |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full up |