ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/16/13
New Status:
Russian Segment (RS) Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 34: Extra-Vehicular (EV)-1 Yurchikhin and EV-2 Misurkin completed a 7 hour, 29 minute EVA today, marking the longest Russian EVA on record. During the EVA, Cassidy and Vinogradov were isolated in the MRM-2/34S. Parmitano and Nyberg had access to modules forward of the Service Module (SM).
The following tasks were completed :
- Installation of “VINOSLIVOST” space experiment on MRM2 panel #2
- Installation of MLM – ISS USOS power cables
- Installation of MLM – ISS USOS ETHERNET cable
- Installation of gap spanners SM – MRM2 and FGB – MRM2
- Retract and stow Strela-1 on DC1
Capillary Flow Experiment (CFE)-2: Nyberg unstowed and secured the CFE hardware on the Maintenance Work Area (MWA), She then completed the final of 11 planned runs of the experiment after which she stowed the hardware and tapes. CFE-2 investigates how fluids move up surfaces in microgravity and will be used to improve low gravity fluid systems on future spacecraft.
Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions (InSPACE)-3: Parmitano set up the InSPACE-3 experiment by installing hardware, cables, and vial assemblies inside the Work Volume (WV) and configuring the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) recorders. Following setup, he performed a run of the experiment. InSPACE-3 obtains data on fluids containing ellipsoid-shaped particles that change the physical properties of the fluids in response to magnetic fields. InSPACE-3 collects and records data on fluids containing ellipsoid-shaped particles that change the physical properties of the fluids in response to magnetic fields. This investigation aims to provide information for a better understanding of the interplay of magnetic, surface, repulsion forces, and shape between particles in magnetically responsive fluids. Technology developed through this investigation has potential to improve the ability to design structures, such as bridges and buildings, to better withstand earthquake forces.
Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Set Screws: One of the ARED stainless steel cylinders appears to be near failure so a backup aluminum cylinder flywheel needs to be prepared for installation when required. The set screws have a history of becoming loose and a yearly maintenance activity is in place to tighten those set screws which Cassidy performed today. Prior to this activity, Nyberg greased the ARED Vibration Isolation System (VIS) rails and rollers, the upper stop catch plates and the rack indicator catch mechanisms.
Crew Quarters (CQ) Cleaning: Parmitano performed this preventive maintenance today. He cleaned the port CQ intake and exhaust duct, fan and airflow sensor.
DC-to-DC Converter Unit (DDCU) N2P2A Power On Reset (POR): Early this morning, DDCU N2P2A experienced a POR. At the time of the event, DDCU N2P2A was sharing loads with DDCU N2P3A. During the reset, the parallel DDCU picked up the loading, resulting in no impact to downstream loads. Ground specialists performed data dumps, cleared the POR Health Flag, then repowered the DDCU which is performing nominally. Ground controllers will continue to monitor the DDCU.
Today’s Planned Tasks
- Biochemical Urine Test before EVA [Complete]
- CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 3070 [Complete]
- Daily Planning Conference [Complete]
- DC1 and ПхО config for EVA r/g 3199 [Complete]
- Relocate SSC to MRM2 and connect to power string for RS EVA 34 isolation [Complete]
- EVA Inhibit Pad [Complete]
- FMK – Stowage [Complete]
- Saving copy of 36-0735 ARED – Tightening Cylinder Flywheel Set Screws procedure for use while isolated in MRM2 [Complete]
- СОЖ Maintenance
- Test and Handover of US camera D2Xs prior to EVA 34 [Complete]
- ISS- HAM-radio Deactivation [Complete]
- InSPACE3 [Complete]
- Spacesuit Systems Checkout / EVA FROM DC [Complete]
- MRM2 Preparation and ТК 708 (MRM2) Activation before EVA r/g 3194 [Complete]
- USOS Window Shutter Close [Complete]
- Checkout of БСС (Spacesuit Interface Unit) in DC1 [Complete]
- Checkout of БСС (Spacesuit Interface Unit) in ПхО [Complete]
- Removal of Air Duct РО-ПрК Hatch protective ring, Closure of РО-ПрК Hatch [Complete]
- Comm config before EVA, reconfiguring ПСС (C&W) panel [Complete]
- DC1 Oxygen Tank БК-3М Check / EVA FROM DC [Complete]
- D2XS Camera Battery Charge [Complete]
- Orlan, БСС, comm, and biomed parameter telemetry check [Complete]
- Pre-EVA ISS Onboard Systems Configuration / EVA FROM DC r/g 3198 [Complete]
- Orlan and БСС (Orlan interface unit) Final Inspection prior to entering Orlan [Complete]
- EVA Gear Donning / EVA FROM DC, r/g 3171 [Complete]
- Air duct removal from DC1 (skip B3 fan removal) / EVA FROM DC [Complete]
- Pre-EVA A/L Depress / EVA FROM DC, r/g 3205 [Complete]
- On MCC GO MRM2-СУ (SM) Hatch Closure [Complete]
- ТК 708 Crew isolation in MRM2 during EVA-34 / r/g 3184 r/g 3194 [Complete]
- A/L Operations for EVA – assistance / EVA FROM DC, r/g 3205 [Complete]
- Terminate BSA Battery Maintenance Cycle [Complete]
- ARED – Tighten Set Screws in the aluminum Cylinder Flywheels [Complete]
- EVA-34 Tasks / r/g 3196 [Complete]
- Education Payload Operations Activity Review [Complete]
- Food Frequency Questionnaire [Complete]
- CFE – Preparation and Hardware Setup [Complete]
- ТК 708 Crew isolation in MRM2 during EVA-34 / r/g 3184 r/g 3194 [Complete]
- CFE Tests [Complete]
- SHD – Weekly Questionnaire [Complete]
- CFE – Hardware Packing into Ziploc bags [Complete]
- Post-EVA airlock operations / EVA FROM DC + r/g 3205 [Complete]
- On MCC GO MRM2- СУ(SM) Hatch Opening [Complete]
- Installation of air ducts in DC1, SM, and MRM2 after EVA [Complete]
- EVA FROM DC, r/g 3184 [Complete]
- Relocate SSC from MRM2 back to original location following RS EVA 34 isolation [Complete]
- Reconfigure comm system for nominal ops, r/g 3195 [Complete]
- RS ISS Reconfig for nominal ops (СРВ-К2М and food warmer activation) r/g 3198 [Complete]
- Biochemical Urine Test after EVA [Complete]
- ISS – HAM Radio Activation [Complete]
- Handover of D2Xs Photo camera to US crew [Complete]
- File downlink and D2Xs photo camera config for RS EVA-35 [Complete]
- Post-Eva Orlan Suit Maintenance [Complete]
- Handover of D2Xs Photo Camera to RS crew [Complete]
- RS ISS, DC1 reconfiguration for nominal ops [Complete]
- EVA FROM DC – ORLAN MK OPS,r/g 3199 [Complete]
- MRM2 reconfiguration to nominal and ТК 708 deactivation / r/g 3184 [Complete]
- On MCC GO РО-ПрК Hatch Opening [Complete]
- Install protective ring on РО-ПрК hatch and air duct [Complete]
- Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
- CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 3070 [Complete]
- Removing БК-3М and battery from Orlan Telemetry Unit [БРТА]. [Complete]
- ORLAN MK OPS, [Complete]
Task List
- CEO ops
- ARED Cylinder Evac [Complete]
- FUJ13D Battery Check
- ESA Record Video Msg
- WHC KTO Replace [Complete]
- ESA Record Video Msg
- WPA Product Sample
- Bk Curtain Retrieve
- Data Prep for Return CDR
- Data Prep for Return FE-3
- 52P US unpack [In work]
- Crew Choice DL
- CMS BP/ECG Velcro
- HTV4 CD Transfer
- WSTA Fill
- Nominal Commanding
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Saturday, 8/17: Crew off duty day, CGBA status check
Sunday, 8/18: Crew off duty day
Monday, 8/19: ACE, SLAMMD, SPHERES, HTV cargo transfer & tagup
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | On |
Vozdukh | On |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | On |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Standby |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Off |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Process |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Process |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full up |