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AWG Workshop 2023: Summary & Recordings
On November 14-15, 2023, the Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) team held the 2023 Analysis Working Group (AWG) Workshop at the Capital Hilton in advance of ASGSR. The workshop was attended by ~125 AWG members both in person and virtually and allowed the AWG community an opportunity to connect in person for the first time since the pandemic started. The first day of the workshop was organized into three sessions with a keynote address.
Session 1 focused on collecting feedback from the AWG community on user acceptance on current OSDR development within four specific topics—metrics for RNA sequencing dataset quality, visualization and analysis platforms, non-omics datasets (physiological, phenotypic, behavioral), and data submission portal/grant data submission agreements. Four presentations were delivered, each corresponding to one of the four designated topics and was followed by two rounds of 35-minute discussions.
A keynote address had preceded session 2, which was delivered by Keith Siew (Postdoctoral Fellow at University College London) and presented an insider’s perspective into his space nephrology sample and data selection process. It provided insights into how the idea evolved through collaborative efforts and the utilization of resources available within the AWG network.
Session 2 provided specific trainings on approaches to using OSDR data with a focus on four topics—OSDR processed data and standard workflows, training machine learning models on OSDR/space biology data, submission, and curation, and metanalysis. Two rounds of engaging 35-minute discussions were conducted.
To close off the event, session 3 provided the leads an opportunity to open dialogue within each AWG about their community’s future, how to meet the objectives of the 2023-2032 Decadal Survey, and to develop new projects/collaborations. The leads of the six AWGs provided concise 5-min overview presentations, followed by two rounds of engaging 35-minute discussions.
Day two of the workshop was reserved for an hour-long networking session to allow the AWG community an opportunity to continue conversations from day 1 and further discuss potential collaborations, opportunities for early career scientists, as well as tips and opportunities for grants. This was followed by a three-hour long Transform to Open Science (TOPS) training.
Opening Talks:
Keynote Address:
AWG Updates:
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