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  1. Official Designation: Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (“Panel”)
  2. Authority: Established under Section 6 of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 1968, as amended (51 U.S.C. § 31101). The NASA Administrator hereby renews the Panel’s charter, pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. 10.
  3. Objectives and Scope of Activities: The Panel shall draw on the expertise of its members to provide advice and make recommendations to the NASA Administrator and Congress on matters related to safety.
  4. Description of Duties: In accordance with 51 U.S.C. § 31101, the Panel shall: review safety studies and operations plans referred to it, including evaluating the Administration’s compliance with the return-to-flight and continue-to-fly recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board, and make reports thereon; advise the NASA Administrator and the Congress with respect to the hazards of proposed or existing facilities and proposed operations, the adequacy of proposed or existing safety standards, and management and culture related to safety; and perform such other duties as the NASA Administrator may request.

    The Panel shall deliberate and report its findings and recommendations to the NASA Administrator and to Congress. Findings that are time critical will be reported immediately.

    The Panel shall submit an annual report to the NASA Administrator and to the Congress.

    The NASA Administrator may request certain special studies, reviews, and evaluations. The Panel will submit reports with findings and recommendations, as deemed appropriate by the Panel, to the NASA Administrator within the timeline specified by the NASA Administrator.
  5. Official to Whom the Committee Reports: The Panel will function in an advisory capacity to the NASA Administrator and the Congress.
  6. Support: The Office of International and Interagency Relations, NASA Headquarters, will provide staff support and operating funds for the Panel.
  7. Estimated Annual Operating Costs and Staff Years: NASA Headquarters will provide the budget for operation of the Panel. The estimated annual operating costs total $725,000, including two Full-Time Equivalents for NASA civil servant staff support (including the Designated Federal Officer (DFO)), technical report writing, travel expenses, and meeting logistics support.
  8. Designated Federal Officer: The DFO will be appointed by the NASA Administrator and will serve as the Executive Director of the Panel. The DFO will be a full-time NASA civil servant employee who will: call, attend, and adjourn all Panel and subcommittee meetings; approve agendas; maintain required records on costs and membership; ensure efficient operations; maintain records for availability to the public; and provide copies of Panel reports to the NASA Committee Management Officer for forwarding to the Library of Congress.
  9. Estimated Number and Frequency of Meetings: There will be approximately four full Panel meetings held each year, on a quarterly basis, to perform the duties as described in Section 4. Additional meetings of the full Panel, individual panelists, or small groups of panelists may be required (for fact finding, preparatory, or administrative work) and supported as needed.
  10. Duration: Since the Panel is a nondiscretionary Federal advisory committee required by statute, it is envisioned to be a continuing entity with charter renewals.
  11. Termination: The Panel charter shall terminate two years from the date of the filing of this charter unless renewed earlier by the NASA Administrator.
  12. Membership and Designation: In accordance with 51 U.S.C. § 31101, the Panel will consist of a maximum of nine members who shall be appointed by the NASA Administrator for terms of six years each. Not more than four such members shall be chosen from among the officers and employees of NASA. One member shall be designated by the Panel as its chairman. A member of the Panel who is an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall receive no compensation for services as such. A member of the Panel appointed from outside the Federal Government shall receive compensation, at a rate not to exceed the per diem rate equivalent to the maximum rate payable under Section 5376 of Title 5, for each day the member is engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Panel. A member of the panel shall be allowed necessary travel expenses per statute. Most members will serve as Special Government Employees, and the remaining members will serve as Regular Government Employees. The Panel will be comprised of recognized safety, management, and engineering experts from industry, academia, and other Government agencies.
  13. Subcommittees: Subcommittees, task forces, and/or work groups may be established by NASA to conduct studies and/or factfinding, requiring an effort of limited duration. Such subcommittees, task forces, and work groups will report their findings and recommendations directly to the Panel and must not provide advice or work products directly to the Agency.
  14. Recordkeeping: The records of the Panel and established subcommittees, or other subgroups of the committee shall be handled in accordance with General Records Schedule 6.2, or other approved Agency records disposition schedules. These records shall be available for public inspection and copying, subject to the Freedom of Information Act of 1966 (5 U.S.C. § 552, as amended).
  15. Filing Date: This charter shall become effective upon the filing of this charter with the appropriate United States Senate and House of Representatives oversight committees.