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Organization Structure

Armstrong is NASA’s primary center for high-risk, atmospheric flight research and test projects. The center has a diverse workforce of just more than 1,100 civil servants, contractors, and interns, and works with many more U.S. contractors, academia, and international and commercial partners to explore, discover, and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

Armstrong Center Director

Bradley C. Flick

Bradley C. Flick is center director at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. He was appointed to this position on Dec. 5, 2022, after serving as acting center director since July 2022. He oversees all aspects of management, strategy, and operations at Armstrong, one of the agency’s 10 field centers.

Full Biography about Bradley C. Flick
Bradley C. Flick
Bradley C. Flick

Office of the Center Director

Center Director: Bradley C. Flick

Deputy Center Director: Laurie A. Grindle

Chief of Staff: Olivia J. Carte

Chief Engineer: Cynthia J. Bixby

Center Chief Counsel: Jonathan Brett Swanson

Legislative Affairs

Information Technology

Mission Support

Associate Director for Mission Support: Sean E. McMorrow

Office of Procurement

Chief Procurement Officer: James W. Eastman

Human Capital Management

Director for California Human Resources: Joy Murphy

Internal Controls and Management Systems

Armstrong Office of Communications

Office of STEM Engagement

Programs & Projects

Director for Programs and Projects: Eddie Zavala

Flight Operations

Director for Flight Operations: Troy A. Asher

Flight Crew (Pilots’ Biographies)

Operations Engineering

Avionics and Instrumentation


Life Support


Research & Engineering

Director for Research and Engineering: Stephen C. Jensen

Office of the Center Chief Technologist

Chief Technologist: David F. Voracek

Systems Engineering and Integration

Aerodynamics and Propulsion

Dynamics and Controls

Sensors and Systems Development

Flight Instrumentation and Systems Integration


Research Engineering Operations

Mission Operations

Director for Mission Operations (Acting): Bruce A. Lipe

Range Engineering

Range Operations

Simulation Engineering

Safety and Mission Assurance

Director for Safety and Mission Assurance (Acting): Shawn M. Kern

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Chief Financial Officer: Frank M. Ramos

Internal Controls and Management Systems