Sherlock Data Warehouse has two web versions:
- Sherlock User Interface (UI) for internal and external PIV badge users
- Sherlock Open Data Portal for academia and external users
Sherlock User Interface (UI)
Sherlock Data Warehouse UI offers easy access to data. Users can search and download different data sources for their research needs. Users can view parsed data products and download a subset of data and reports. The UI provides detailed Documentation and a Product Catalog for users to find the right dataset for their research and use-case.
TFM Flow, one of the newer datasets parsed and stored in Data warehouse, represents NAS-wide traffic data from FAA’s Traffic Flow Management (TFM) system including many different types of Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs) and correlated events.
Sherlock understands that users are interested in using data for their own analytics work, therefore Sherlock provides the infrastructure (big data system access with a Jupyter account) for data analytics, code samples for data processing, and code samples for machine learning (ML) models (Python and pySpark) using Sherlock data.
Sherlock introduced many new features such as WebAPIs for programmatic access and API documentation that includes example REST API requests for all data products.
Sherlock Open Data Portal
Sherlock launched Open Data Portal to facilitate access to air traffic management (ATM) data for academia users, industry partners, and stakeholders. Sherlock Open Data Portal is a public facing user interface providing publicly defined ATM data. External users can create an account and login to the portal using NASA guest user authentication within no time. Sherlock houses 2-years’ worth of recent ATAC data in their file system that users can seamlessly navigate to from the portal.
See the Sherlock Open Data Portal Onboarding Guide to create an account.
For queries and inquires, contact the Sherlock Team or send email to