Lorna Ortiz: This is Not Autism
On December 6 2007 we received the devastating news that our son had autism. Along with the diagnosis the doctor handed us two papers, one had a list of therapies recommended for autistic children and the other had the names of all the mental institutions where our son could be enrolled when he reach 18 years.” In the presentation “This is Not Autism”, Dr. Lorna Ortiz shared her story, what she learned and what she had to do about it. By connecting the dots between the medical symptoms presented in most of the kids diagnosed with this condition and the fact that most of the recently diagnosed kids do not fit the definition of infantile autism proposed back in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, Dr. Ortiz describes the relationship between immune dysfunction and autism characteristics. How, by treating these conditions, kids are loosing their “autism” diagnosis and living a healthy live.
Dr. Lorna Ortiz has completed a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico and a PhD. in Chemical Engineering specializing in Environmental Catalysis from the University of South Carolina. She joined Shell in 2005 to work in catalysis R&D and worked in the area of biofuels process development. In 2010 joined the GameChanger Team at Shell, specializing in revolutionary innovation and serves as the Global Coordinator for the Shell GameChanger Hunters network. Outside Shell, Lorna Ortiz is the president and co-founder of a non-profit organization called Curando el Autismo (CEA). CEA focuses in educating Hispanics parents and professionals on the treatments that have been successful in the recovery of children diagnosed with “autism”. Lorna and her husband Dr. Herie Soto have dedicated the last 5 years in the research for immune dysfunctions and its relationship with “autism” and in the treatment of their son Herie. Lorna is the mother of two boys, Herie Jesé and Emilio Javier.