Division Publications
Here are publications related to current missions and studies by the Spaceflight Division under the Engineering Directorate at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Flight Dynamics
Stability and spin-orbit resonance analysis of low altitude Martian orbits
Space Flight Mechanics Meeting | January 2019
Arcus Mission Design: Stable Lunar-resonant High Earth Orbit for X-ray Astronomy
Astrodynamics Specialist Conference August 2018
DARE Mission Design: Low RFI Observations from a Low-altitude, Frozen Lunar Orbit
Space Flight Mechanics Meeting | February 2017
Trajectory and Navigation design for an impactor mission concept
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting | February 2017
Trajectory Design from GTO to Near-Equatorial Lunar Orbit for the Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE) Spacecraft
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting | April 2015
Trade Studies in LADEE Trajectory Design
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting | January 2015
The LADEE Trajectory as Flown
Space Flight Mechanics Meeting | January 2015
Systems Engineering, Integration, and Testing
A New Concurrent Engineering For NASA Ames Research Center
IEEE Aerospace Conference | March 2021
MARSBOx: Fungal and Bacterial Endurance From a Balloon-Flown Analog Mission in the Stratosphere
Frontiers in Microbiology | February 2021
EcAMSat – NASA’s first 6U Biological Spacecraft: System Integration and Environmental Test
NASA Technical | September 2020
Starling1: Swarm Technology Demonstration
Small Satellite Conference | August 2018
Stratosphere conditions inactivate bacterial endospores from a Mars spacecraft assembly facility
Astrobiology | April 2017
Microgravity validation of a novel system for RNA isolation and multiplex quantitative real time PCR analysis of gene expression on the International Space Station
PLOS ONE | September 2017
Starling CubeSat Swarm Technology Demonstration Mission
Small Satellite Conference | August 2020
Starling1: Swarm Technology Demonstration
Small Satellite Conference | August 2018
Design and Prototyping of a Nanosatellite Laser Communications Terminal for the Cubesat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) B/C Mission
Small Satellite Conference | August 2020
Testing of the CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK-A) Payload
Small Satellite Conference | August 2020
Characterization of laser thermal loading on microelectromechanical systems-based fast steering mirror in vacuum
Optical Engineering | May 2020
Optical Communications Crosslink Payload Prototype Development for the Cubesat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) Mission
Small Satellite Conference | 2019
Optomechanical Design and Analysis for Nanosatellite Laser Communications
Small Satellite Conference | 2019
Laser Communication Crosslinks for Satellite Autonomous Navigation
Small Satellite Conference | 2018
Time-To-Digital Converter vs. Analog-To-Digital Converter and Matched Filter Performance in Nanosatellite Optical Receivers
Small Satellite Conference | 2018
The CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK Mission (CLICK)
International Conference on Space Optics | October 2018