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Lunar Impact Publications

The NASA Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) has compiled a list of publications relating to lunar impacts. It is by no means a comprehensive list. References listed with an asterisk (*) indicate papers written or co-written by members of the MEO.

Yanagisawa, M., Uchida, Y., Kurihara, S., Abe, S., Fuse, R., Tanaka, S., Onodera, K., Yoshida, F., Chi, H.-C., Lin, Z.-Y., Lee, J., Kawamura, T., and Yamada, R. 2021. Low dispersion spectra of lunar impact flashes in 2018 Geminids. P&SS 195, 105131.

Tandy, J. D., Price, M. C., Wozniakiewicz, P. J., Cole, M. J., Alesbrook, L. S., and Avdellidou, C. 2020. Impact flash evolution of CO2 ice, water ice, and frozen Martian and lunar regolith simulant targets. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 55:10, 2301.

Sheward, D., Cook, T., and A., Avdellidou, C. 2020. Preliminary Results from Lunar Surface Change Detection with PyNAPLE: The 2019-01-21 Lunar Impact Flash. 14th Europlanet Science Congress 2020, EPSC2020-862.

Avdellidou, C., Delbo, M., Munaibari, E., Larson, R., Vaubaillon, J., Hayne, P., Sheward, D., and Cook, T. 2020. Lunar impact flashes: first detection from the Observatory of Nice. 14th Europlanet Science Congress 2020, EPSC2020-744.

Munaibari, E., Larson, R., Avdellidou, C., Delbo, M., Vaubaillon, J., Hayne, P., Sheward, D., and Cook, T. 2020 Lunar impact flashes: analysis methods. 14th Europlanet Science Congress 2020, EPSC2020-728.

Tandy, J., Price, M., Wozniakiewicz, P., Cole, M., Alesbrook, L, and Avdellidou, C. 2020. The Effect of Projectile Material on the Impact Flash from Carbon Dioxide Ice. 14th Europlanet Planetary Science Congress 2020, EPSC2020-144.

Fuse, R., Abe, S., Yanagisawa, M., and Hasegawa, S. 2020. An experimental study of the impact flash: The relationship between luminous efficiency and vacuum level. P&SS 187, 104921.

Abe, S., Fuse, R., Yanagisawa, M., Fukuhara, T., Yamada, R., Hasegawa, S., Masuda, Y., Ikari, S., Fujiwara, M., Kondo, H., Yano, H., and Funase, R. 2020. Comprehensive Understanding of Lunar Impact Flash Phenomena by Ground-Based Telescopic Observations, Hypervelocity Impact Experiments, and a 6U CubeSat Exploration. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, LPI 3057.

Zuluaga, J. I., Tangmatitham, M., Cuartas-Restrepo, P., Ospina, J., Pichardo, F., López, S. A., Peña, K., and Gaviria-Posada, J. M. 2020. Location, orbit, and energy of a meteoroid impacting the Moon during the lunar eclipse of 2019 January 21. MNRAS 492:1, 1432.

Szalay, J. R., Pokorný, P., and Horányi, M. 2020. Hyperbolic Meteoroids Impacting the Moon. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 890:1, L11.

Liakos, A., Bonanos, A. Z., Xilouris, E. M., Koschny, D., Bellas-Velidis, I., Boumis, P., Charmandaris, V., Dapergolas, A., Fytsilis, A., Maroussis, A., and Moissl, R. 2020. NELIOTA: Methods, statistics, and results for meteoroids impacting the Moon. A&A 633, A112.

Sigismondi, C. 2019. Lunar impacts during eclipses separated by a Metonic cycle on Jan 21, 2000 and 2019: a possible origin from daytime Sagittarids/Capriconids meteor shower. Gerbertus 12, 65.

Berezhnoy, A. A., Velikodsky, Yu. I., Zubko, E., Iten, M., Lena, R., Sposetti, S., Tereshchenko, A. A., Popel, S. I., Feoktistova, E. A., and Golub’, A. P. 2019. Detection of impact-produced dust clouds near the lunar terminator. P&SS 117, 104689.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., Yanagisawa, M., Aceituno, J., and Aceituno, F. 2019. “Impact Flashes of Meteoroids on the Moon” in Meteoroids: Sources of Meteors on Earth and Beyond, 136.

Munaibari, E., Avdellidou, C., and Larson, R. 2019. Real-time detection of impact flashes on the lunar surface. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 2075.

Tandy, J., Price, M., Wozniakiewicz, P., Cole, M., Hibbery, R., and  Avdellidou, C. 2019. Observations of impacted, frozen Lunar and Martian regolith simulants. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 1897.

Larson, R., Hayne, P., and Avdellidou, C. 2019. Automating the detection and coordinate identification of impact flashes on the lunar surface. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 1193.

Avdellidou, C. 2019. 20 years of ground-based lunar impact flash observations. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 1050.

Sheward, D., Avdellidou, C., and Sefton-Nash, Elliot. 2019. PyNAPLE: Automated Lunar Impact Flash Crater Detection. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, 1032.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., Santos-Sanz, P. 2019. Multiwavelength observations of a bright impact flash during the 2019 January total lunar eclipse. MNRAS 486:3, 3380.

Avdellidou, C. and Vaubaillon, J. 2019. Temperatures of lunar impact flashes: mass and size distribution of small impactors hitting the Moon. MNRAS 484:4, 5212.

Pokorný, P., Janches, D., Sarantos, M., Szalay, J. R., Horányi, M., Nesvorný, D., and Kuchner, M. J. 2019. Meteoroids at the Moon: Orbital Properties, Surface Vaporization, and Impact Ejecta Production. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124:3, 752.

Szalay, J. R., Pokorný, P., Sternovsky, Z., Kupihar, Z., Poppe, A. R., and Horányi, M. 2019. Impact Ejecta and Gardening in the Lunar Polar Regions. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 124:1, 143.

Yamada, R., Kawamura, T., Yanagisawa, M., Abe, S., Fukuhara, T., Onodera, K., Uchida, Y., Kurihara, S., Fuse, R., Yoshida F., Chi, H., Avdellidou, C., Shirai, K., Ishihara, Y., Tanaka, S., Shiraishi, H., and Wieczoreck, M. 2019. The international observation of lunar impact flashes and application of the results to future lunar seismic experiments. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1770.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., Roman, A., and Alonso, S. 2019. Lunar Impact Flashes Recorded During the 2018 Geminids: Preliminary Results. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1406.

Bernardoni, E. A., Szalay, J. R., and Horányi, M. 2019. Impact Ejecta Plumes at the Moon. GRL 46:2, 534.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., and Morales, N. 2018. The first observations to determine the temperature of a lunar impact flash and its evolution. MNRAS 480:4, 5010.

Xilouris, E. M., Bonanos, A. Z., Bellas-Velidis, I., Boumis, P., Dapergolas, A., Maroussis, A., Liakos, A., Alikakos, I., Charmandaris, V., Dimou, G., Fytsilis, A., Kelley, M., Koschny, D., Navarro, V., Tsiganis, K., Tsinganos, K. 2018. NELIOTA: The wide-field, high-cadence, lunar monitoring system at the prime focus of the Kryoneri telescope. A&A 619, A141.

Bonanos, A. Z., Avdellidou, C., Liakos, A., Xilouris, E. M., Dapergolas, A., Koschny, D., Bellas-Velidis, I., Boumis, P., Charmandaris, V., Fytsilis, A., and Maroussis, A.  2018.  NELIOTA: First Temperature Measurement of Lunar Impact Flashes.  A&A 612, A76.

Szalay, J. R., Pokorny, P., Jenniskens, P., and Horanyi, M.  2018.  Activity of the 2013 Geminid Meteoroid Stream at the Moon.  MNRAS 474:3, 4225.

Bernardoni, E. A., Horanyi, M., and Szalay, J. R.  2018.  Characterizing Lunar Dust Impact Plumes.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLIX, 2984.

Janches, D., Pokorny, P., Sarantos, M., Szalay, J., Horanyi, M., and Nesvorny, D.  2018.  Constraining the Ratio of Micrometeoroids from Short- and Long-Period Comets at 1 AU from LADEE Observations of the Lunar Dust Cloud.  GRL 45:4, 1713.

Zimnikoval, P.  2017.  Lunar Impact Flashes.  WGN 45:5, 111.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., and Morales, N.  2017.  Analysis of Lunar Impact Flashes Observed During the 2015 Taurid Outburst.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLVIII, 1319.

*Suggs, R. M., Ehlert, S. R., and Moser, D. E.  2017.  A Comparison of Radiometric Calibration Techniques for Lunar Impact Flashes.  P&SS 143, 225.

Kesaraju, S., Mathews, J. D., Vierinen, J., Perillat, P., and Mesiel, D. D.  2016.  A Search for Meteoroid Lunar Impact Generated Electromagnetic Pulses.  Earth, Moon, and Planets 119:1, 1-21.

Szalay, J. R. and Horanyi, M.  2016.  Detecting Meteoroid Streams with an In-Situ Dust Detector Above an Airless Body.  Icarus 275, 221.

Szalay, J. R. and Horanyi, M.  2016.  Lunar Meteoritic Gardening Rate Derived from In Situ LADEE/LDEX Measurements.  GRL 43:10, 4893.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., and Cabrera-Cano, J. 2016. Analysis of Lunar Impact Flashes Recorded During the Activity Period of the Lyrid Meteor Shower in 2013Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLVII, 1124.

Bonanos, A. Z., Xilouris, M., Boumis, P., Bellas-Velidis, I., Maroussis, A., Dapergolas, A., Fytsilis, A., Charmandaris, V., Tsiganis, K., and Tsinganos, K.  2016.  NELIOTA: ESA’s New NEO Lunar Impact Monitoring Project with the 1.2m Telescope at the National Observatory of Athens.  Proc. IAU Symposium 318, 327.

Rainey, E., Stickle, A. M., Ernst, C. M., Schultz, P. H., Mehta, N. L., Brown, R. C., Swaminathan, P. K., Michaelis, C. H., and Erlandson, R. E.  2015.   Impact Flash Physics: Modeling and Comparisons with Experimental Results.  AGU 2015, #P53C-2131.

Rembold, J. J. and Ryan, E. V. 2015.  Characterization and Analysis of Near-Earth Objects via Lunar Impact Observations. Planet. Space Sci.117, 119-126.

Ortiz, J. L., Madiedo, J. M., Morales, N., Santos-Sanz, P., and Aceituno, F. J. 2015.  Lunar Impact Flashes from Geminids: Analysis of Luminous Efficiencies and the Flux of Large Meteoroids on Earth. MNRAS 454:1, 344-352.

Ait Moulay Larbi, M., Benkhaldoun, Z., Baratoux, D., Daassou, A., and Bouley, S. 2015. Lunar Impact Flashes: Results from 56 hours of Video Survey Data Observed by using One Telescope.  European Planetary Science Congress 2015, EPSC2015-702.

*Moser, D. E., Suggs, R. M., Kupferschmidt, L., and Feldman, J.  2015.  Lunar Impact Flash Locations from NASA’s Lunar Impact Monitoring Program.  NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2015-218213, 56pp.

Ait Moulay Larbi, M., Daassou, A., Baratoux, D., Bouley, S., Benkhaldoun, Z., Lazrek, M., Garcia, R. and Colas, F.  2015. First Lunar Flashes Observed from Morocco (ILIAD Network): Implications for Lunar Seismology. Earth, Moon, and Planets 115:1-4, 1-21.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., and Cabrera-Cano, J.  2015. MIDAS: Software for the Detection and Analysis of Lunar Impact Flashes.  Planet. Space Sci. 111, 105-115.

Horanyi, M., Szalay, J. R., Kempf, S., Schmidt, J., Grun, E., Srama, R., and Sternovsky, Z.  2015.  A Permanent, Asymmetric Dust Cloud Around the Moon.  Nature 522:7556, 324-326.

Kim, Y. H., Hong, I.-S., Yu, J., Lee, E., Kim, K., and Kim, E.  2015.  Detection of an Impact Flash Candidate on the Moon with an Educational Telescope System.  J. Astron. Space Sci32, 121-125.

*Suggs, R. J. and Suggs, R. M.  2015.  Results of Lunar Impact Observations During Geminid Meteor Shower Events.  NASA Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2015-218209, 48pp.

*Robinson, M. S., Boyd, A. K., Denevi, B. W., Lawrence, S. J., McEwen, A. S., Moser, D. E., Povilaitis, R. Z., Stelling, R. W., Suggs, R. M., Thompson, S. D., and Wagner, R. V.  2015.  New Crater on the Moon and a Swarm of Secondaries.  Icarus 252, 229-235.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L, Organero, F., Ana-Hernandez, L., Fonseca, F., Morales, N., and Cabrera-Cano, J.  2015.  Analysis of Moon Impact Flashes Detected during the 2012 and 2013 Perseids.  Astron. Astro577, 9pp.

McEwen, A., Daubar, I., Ivanov, B., Oberst, J., Malhotra, R., JeongAhn Y., and Byrne, S.  2015.  Current Impact Rate on Earth, Moon, and Mars.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLVI, 1854.

Betzler, A. S. and Borges, E. P.  2015.  Non-extensive Statistical Analysis of Meteor Showers and Lunar Flashes.  MNRAS 447:1, 765-771.

*Suggs, R. M., Moser, D. E., Cooke, W. J., and Suggs, R. J.  2014.  The Flux of Kilogram-Sized Meteoroids from Lunar Impact Monitoring.  Icarus 238, 23.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., and Cabrera-Cano, J.  2014  A Large Lunar Impact Blast on 2013 September 11.  MNRAS 439:3, 2364.

Thompson, S. D., Bowles, Z. R., Povilaitis, R. Z., Daubar, I. J., and Robinson, M. S.  2014.  Recent Impacts on the Moon.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLV, 2769.

*Robinson, M. S., Boyd, A. K., Denevi, B. W., Lawrence, S. J., Moser, D. E., Povilaitis, R. Z., Stelling, R. W., Suggs, R. M., Thompson, S. D., and Wagner, R. V.  2014.  New Crater on the Moon and a Field of Secondaries.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLV, 2164.

Lena, R., Manna, A., and Sposetti, S.  2014.  Detection of a Meteoroidal Impact on the Moon near the Crater Seneca C.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLV, 1009.

*Suggs, R. and Moser, D.  2013.  Lunar Meteoroid Impact Monitoring for LADEE.  Lunar Meteoroid Impacts and LADEE Mission Workshop 2013.

*Moser, D. E., Suggs, R. M., Cooke, W. J., Suggs, R. J., Kingery, A., and Kring, D. A.  2013.  Large Meteoroid Impact on the Moon 17 March 2013.  Lunar Science Virtual Forum 2013.

Thompson, S., Robinson, M., and LROS SOC Team.   2013.  New Lunar Impacts During LRO!  Lunar Science Virtual Forum 2013.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., and Morales, N.  2013.  Preliminary Results from the 2011-2012 Moon Impact Flashes Monitoring Campaign.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLIV, 1778.

Cremonese, G., Borin, P., Lucchetti, A., Marzari, F., and Bruno, M. 2013. Micrometeoroids Flux on the Moon. Astronomy & Astrophysics 551, A27.

*Oberst, J., Christou, A., Suggs, R., Moser, D., Daubar, I. J., McEwen, A. S., Burchell, M., Kawamura, T., Hiesinger, H., Wünnemann, K., Wagner, R., and Robinson, M. S. 2012. The Present-day Flux of Large Meteoroids on the Lunar Surface—A Synthesis of Models and Observational Techniques. P&SS 74:1, 179.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., and Cabrera, J. 2012. Monitoring and Analysis of Flashes Produced by Meteoroids Impacting on the Lunar SurfaceEuropean Planetary Science Congress 2012.

Berezhnoy, A. A., Baransky, O. R., Churyumov, K. I., Churyumova, T. K., Kleshchenok, V. V., Kozlova, E. A., Mangano, V., Ponomarenko, V. O., Pakhomov, Yu. V., Shevchenko, V. V., and Velikodsky, Yu. I. 2012. Properties of the Impact-produced Lunar Exosphere During Perseid 2009 Meteor Shower. European Planetary Science Congress 2012.

Cudnik, B. 2012. Lunar Meteor Impact Monitoring and the 2013 LADEE Mission. 31st Annual Symposium on Telescope Science, Society for Astronomical Sciences, 29.

Sposetti, S., Lena, R., and Iten, M. 2012. Detection of Meteoroidal Impacts on the MoonLunar and Planetary Science Conference XLIII, 1012.

Bouley, S., Baratoux, D., Vaubaillon, J., Mocquet, A., Le Feuvre, M., Colas, F., Benkhaldoun, Z., Daassou, A., Sabil, M., and Lognonné, P. 2012. Power and Duration of Impact Flashes on the Moon: Implication for the Cause of Radiation. Icarus 218:1, 115.

Madiedo, J. M., Ortiz, J. L., and Morales, N. 2011. MIDAS: Software for Automated Detection and Analysis of Moon Impact Flashes. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011.

*Moser, D. E., Suggs, R. M., Swift, W. R., Suggs, R. J., Cooke, W. J., Diekmann, A. M., and Koehler, H. M. 2011. Luminous Efficiency of Hypervelocity Meteoroid Impacts on the Moon Derived From the 2006 Geminids, 2007 Lyrids, and 2008 TauridsProceedings of the Meteoroids 2010 Conference, NASA/CP-2011-216469, 142.

*Swift, W. R., Moser, D. E., Suggs, R. M., and Cooke, W. J. 2011. An Exponential Luminous Efficiency Model for Hypervelocity Impact into RegolithProceedings of the Meteoroids 2010 Conference, NASA/CP-2011-216469, 125.

*Suggs, R. M., Cooke, W. J., Koehler, H. M., Suggs, R. J., Moser, D. E., and Swift, W. R. 2011. Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observations and the Flux of Kilogram-sized Meteoroids. Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2010 Conference, NASA/CP-2011-216469, 116.

*Cooke, W. J., Moser, D. E., Hardin, B . F., and Janches, D. 2011.  Meteoroids: The Smallest Solar System BodiesProceedings of the Meteoroids 2010 Conference, NASA/CP-2011-216469.

Ernst, C. M., Barnouin, O.S., and Schultz, P. H.  2010.  High-speed Imaging of the Impact Flash: Observations of Source Location and Transient Crater Growth.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XLI, 1381.

Davis, S.S. 2009. An Analytical Model for a Transient Vapor Plume on the Moon. Icarus 202, 383.

Koschny, D. and McAuliffe, J. 2009. Estimating the Number of Impact Flashes Visible on the Moon from an Orbiting Camera.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44:12, 1871.

Cudnik, B. 2009. Lunar Meteoroid Impacts and How to Observe ThemSpringer-Verlag: New York.

*Suggs, R.M., Cooke, W., Suggs, R., McNamara, H., Swift, W., Moser, D., and Diekmann, A. 2008. Flux of Kilogram-sized Meteoroids from Lunar Impact Monitoring. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 40, 455.

Yanagisawa, M., Ikegami, H., Ishida, M., Karasaki, H., Takahashi, J., Kinoshita, K., and Ohnishi, K. 2008. Lunar Impact Flashes by Geminid Meteoroids in 2007. Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement 43, 5169.

Artemieva, N.A. and Shuvalov, V.V. 2008. Numerical Simulation of High-Velocity Impact Ejecta Following Falls of Comets and Asteroids onto the Moon. Solar System Research 42, 329.

*Arlt, R. and Moser, D. 2008. Meteoroid Environment Workshop and Call for Lunar Impact Observations. WGN, J. IMO 36, 83.

Ernst, C.M. and Schultz, P.H. 2008. Effects of View Orientation on Impact Flash Observations: Implications for Lunar Impacts. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIX, 2291.

Koschny, D. and McAuliffe, J. 2008. Estimating the Number of Impact Flashes Visible to the Moon and Mars from an Orbiting Camera.Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, 8181.

*Edwards, D.L., Cooke, W., Moser, D.E., and Swift, W. 2008. Measurement of Ejecta from Normal Incident Hypervelocity Impact on Lunar Regolith Simulant. Earth, Moon, and Planets 102, 549.

*Swift, W., Suggs, R., and Cooke, B. 2008. Algorithms for Lunar Flash Video Search, Measurement, and ArchivingEarth, Moon, and Planets 102, 299.

*Suggs, R.M., Cooke, W.J., Suggs, R.J., Swift, W.R., and Hollon, N. 2008. The NASA Lunar Impact Monitoring ProgramEarth, Moon, and Planets 102, 293.

Christou, A.A., Oberst, J., Koschny, D., Vaubaillon, J., McAuliffe, J.P.; Kolb, C., Lammer, H., Mangano, V., Khodachenko, M., Kazeminejad, B., and Rucker, H.O. 2007. Comparative studies of meteoroid-planet interaction in the inner solar system. Planetary and Space Science 66, 2049.

Ernst, C. M. and Schultz, P. H.  2007.  Evolution of the Deep Impact Flash:  Implications for the Nucleus Surface Based on Laboratory Experiments.  Icarus 190, 334.

Schultz, P. H., Eberhardy, C. A., Ernst, C. M., A’Hearn, M. F., Sunshine, J. M., and Lisse, C. M.  2007.  The Deep Impact Oblique Impact Cratering Experiment.  Icarus 190, 295.

Montañés-Rodríguez, P., Pallé, E., and Goode, P.R. 2007. Measurements of the Surface Brightness of the Earthshine With Applications to Calibrate Lunar Flashes. Astron. J. 134, 1145.

*Cooke, W.J., Suggs, R.M., Suggs, R.J., Swift, W.R., and Hollon, N.P. 2007. Rate and Distribution of Kilogram Lunar Impactors. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, 1986.

Ernst, C. M. and Schultz, P. H.  2007.  Temporal and Spatial Resolution of the Early-Time Impact Flash:  Implications for Light Source DistributionLunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, 2353.

Schultz, P. H., Eberhardy, C. A., and Ernst, C. M.  2007.  Initial Stages of the Deep Impact CollisionLunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, 1890.

Veillet, C. and Foing, B. 2007. SMART-1 Impact Observation at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, 1520.

Cudnik, B.M. 2007. The Status of Lunar Meteor Research (and Applications to the Rest of the Solar System). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, 1115.

Volvach, A.E., Berezhnoy, A.A., Foing, B., Ehrenfreund, P., Khavroshkin, O.B., and Volvach, L.N. 2007. Radio Observations of the Moon at 3.6 cm Before and After SMART-1 Impact. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, 1015.

Ernst, C. M. and Schultz, P. H.  2007.  Evolution of the Deep Impact Flash:  Implications for the Nucleus Surface Based on Laboratory ExperimentsIcarus 191, 123.

Schultz, P. H., Eberhardy, C. A., Ernst, C. M., A’Hearn, M. F., Sunshine, J. M., and Lisse, C. M.  2007.  The Deep Impact Oblique Impact Cratering Experiment.  Icarus 191, 84.

Ortiz, J.L., Aceituno, F.J., Quesada, J.A., Aceituno, J., Fernández, M., Santos-Sanz, P., Trigo-Rodríguez, J.M., Llorca, J., Martín-Torres, F.J., Montañés-Rodríguez, P., and Pallé, E. 2006. Detection of Sporadic Impact Flashes on the Moon: Implications for the Luminous Efficiency of Hypervelocity Impacts and Derived Terrestrial Impact Rates. Icarus 184, 319.

Yanagisawa, M., Ohnishi, K., Takamura, Y., Masuda, H., Sakai, Y., Ida, M., Adachi, M., and Ishida, M. 2006. The First Confirmed Perseid Lunar Impact Flash. Icarus 182, 489.

*Cooke, W.J., Suggs, R.M., and Swift, W.R. 2006. A Probable Taurid Impact on the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVII, 1731.

Ernst, C. M., Schultz, P. H., A’Hearn, M. F., and the Deep Impact Science Team.  2006.  Photometric Evolution of the Deep Impact Flash.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVII, 2192.

Di Martino, M. and Carbognani, A. 2006. Detection of Transient Events on Planetary Bodies. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement 9, 176.

Schultz, P. H., Ernst, C. M., and Anderson, J. L. B.  2005.  Expectations for Crater Size and Photometric Evolution from the Deep Impact Collision.  Space Science Reviews 117:1-2, 207.

Ernst, C. M., and Schultz, P. H.  2005.  Investigations of the Luminous Energy and Luminous Efficiency of Experimental Impacts into Particulate Targets.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, 1475.

Cudnik, B. and Venable, R. 2005. Collisions in Space. Observing the Impacts of Meteoroids on the Lunar Surface. J. ALPO, The Strolling Astronomer 47, 15.

Gural, P.S. 2004. Lunar Meteoroid Impact Prediction Plots for 2005. WGN, J. IMO 32, 159.

Ernst, C.M. and Schultz, P.H. 2004. Early-Time Temperature Evolution of the Impact Flash and Beyond. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXV, 1721.

Cudnik, B.M., Dunham, D.W., Palmer, D.M., Cook, A., Venable, R., and Gural, P.S. 2003. Ground-Based Observations of Lunar Meteoritic Phenomena. Earth, Moon, and Planets 93, 145.

Ernst, C. M. and Schultz, P. H.  2003.  Effect of Initial Conditions on Impact Flash DecayLunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIV, 2020.

Cudnik, B. 2003. Some Recommendations for a Comprehensive Lunar Meteor CampaignLunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIV, 1242.

Buratti, B.J. and Johnson, L.L. 2003. Identification of the Lunar Flash of 1953 with a Fresh Crater on the Moon’s Surface. Icarus 161, 192.

Yanagisawa, M. and Kisaichi, N. 2002. Lightcurves of 1999 Leonid Impact Flashes on the Moon. Icarus 159, 31.

Ortiz, J.L., Quesada, J.A., Aceituno, J., Aceituno, F.J., and Bellot Rubio, L.R. 2002. Observation and Interpretation of Leonid Impact Flashes on the Moon in 2001. Ap. J. 576, 567.

Ernst, C. M., and Schultz, P. H.  2002.  Effect of Velocity and Angle on Light Intensity Generated by Hypervelocity Impacts.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIII, 1782.

Cudnik, B.M., Dunham, D.W., Palmer, D.M., Cook, A.C., Venable, R.J., and Gural, P.S. 2002. Ground-Based Observations of High Velocity Impacts on the Moon’s Surface – The Lunar Leonid Phenomena of 1999 and 2001. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIII, 1329.

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