ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/29/13
BioLab Microscope D&C Cassette Troubleshooting: Following yesterdays successful Part A of the Microscope troubleshooting and initialization, Flight Engineer (FE)-5 Parmitano continued with Part B of the troubleshooting by extracting the BioLab HM drawer, installing a Microscope cassette, verifying the correct fit of the cassette, and close up of the microscope. The ground subsequently performed a successful functional test of the microscope. The BioLab is a multiuser research facility located in the European Columbus laboratory. It will be used to perform space biology experiments on microorganisms, cells, tissue cultures, small plants, and small invertebrates. BioLab will allow scientists to gain a better understanding of the effects of microgravity and space radiation on biological organisms.
Robonaut Teleoperations: TodayFE-3 Cassidy performed Robonaut Teleoperations. With cooperation from ground teams, Cassidy controlled Robonaut to perform soft-good manipulation operations. Robonaut is a humanoid robot designed with the versatility and dexterity to manipulate hardware and react safely when bumped or following interaction. Robonaut is currently deployed inside the ISS but future project goals include mobility outside the ISS in the extravehicular environment.
35 Soyuz (35S) Emergency On-Board Training (OBT): FE-4 Yurchikhin, FE-5 Parmitano, and FE-6 Nyberg conducted a 35S Emergency OBT session. The crew reviewed and practiced Soyuz specific emergency response procedures followed by a debrief of the session with ground controllers.
Ocular Health (OH) Fundoscope: With Cassidy acting as the Crew Medical Officer (CMO), and ground specialists assisting in remote guidance, both Parmitano and Nyberg performed Fundoscope examinations. OH aims to systematically gather physiological data to characterize the Risk of Microgravity-Induced Visual Impairment/Intracranial Pressure on crewmembers assigned to a 6 month ISS increment. The data collected will mirror requirements and testing performed during annual medical exams with an increase in the frequency of in-flight and post flight testing to more accurately assess changes that occur in the visual, vascular, and central nervous systems upon exposure to microgravity and the resulting fluid shifts.
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Status/Ops: Today the Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the MSS and stowed the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) on Mobile Base System (MBS) Power Data Grapple Fixture (PDGF) 2. The Mobile Transporter (MT) was then translated from Worksite (WS) 7 to WS4. The team is currently walking off the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) from MBS PDGF3 to the Node 2 PDGF in preparation for the External Pallet (EP) handoff from the Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS) to the SSRMS and insertion into the H‑II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) 4 tomorrow. MSS performance has been nominal.
Today’s Planned Tasks
- Hematocrit. Test [Complete]
- KHROMATOMASS. Experiment Setup [Complete]
- KHROMATOMASS. Saliva and Blood Collection [Complete]
- BIOME – Questionnaire Data Entry [Complete]
- ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position Check [Complete]
- PAO hardware setup [Complete]
- ROBONAUT – Procedure Review [Complete]
- ATV – ISS Pressurization with Oxygen (start) [Complete]
- Crew Prep for PAO [Complete]
- CIR – Alignment Guide Removal [Complete]
- Med Laptop Setup [Complete]
- Interactive TV PAO with the Guests of MAKS-2013 International Aviation and Space Salon (Ku + S-band) [Complete]
- ROBONAUT – Camcorder Setup [Complete]
- Robonaut Taskboard Configuration [Complete]
- СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
- ROBONAUT- MPC Setup [Complete]
- ROBONAUT Tele-ops Hardware Setup [Complete]
- 24-hour ECG (termination) [Complete]
- KHROMATOMASS. Closeout Ops [Complete]
- Configure Hot Backup (LAB) and Main (Cupola) RWS for EP insertion [Complete]
- ROBO – Assistance with the Experiment [Complete]
- Study of veins in lower extremities [Complete]
- EVA tool stow [Complete]
- Tool Gathering for EMU 3011 valve R&R [Complete]
- ATV – ISS Pressurization with Oxygen (terminate) [Complete]
- Biolab Microscope Cassette Installation [Complete]
- ROBONAUT – Camcorder Configuration [Complete]
- ROBONAUT – Hardware Disassembly [Complete]
- Robonaut Taskboard Stow [Complete]
- ESA Weekly Crew Conference [Complete]
- ISS Emergency descent drill (ТК 709) [Complete]
- Crew Departure Prep [Complete]
- Changeout of СРВК-2М Water Conditioning Unit Purification Columns (БК БКВ) Install No. 1105019(00057349R, ФГБ1ПГО_4_419_1). Pre-pack the old unit for disposal. [Complete]
- Crew Departure Prep [Complete]
- Gather trash for Cygnus [Complete]
- Study of veins in lower extremities [Complete]
- Flushing Water conditioning unit purification columns [Complete]
- IMS Update [Complete]
- Ocular Health (OH) – Hardware Setup [Complete]
- Ocular Health (OH) Fundoscope Prep [Complete]
- Experiment Laptop Terminal 2 (ELT2) Setup [Complete]
- Crew Departure Prep [Complete]
- Multi Purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) ELT Laptop Relocation [Complete]
- Columbus Deck Rack Front cleanup from stowage items [Complete]
- Multi-purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) Microscope Activation [Complete]
- Ocular Health (OH) Fundoscope Exam [Complete]
- Ocular Health (OH) – Prep [Complete]
- URISIS Hardware Setup [Complete]
- Ocular Health (OH) [Complete]
- Ocular Health (OH) – Equipment Stowage [Complete]
Task List
- CEO Operations
- ARED Cylinder Evacuation
- ЕДВ-У Remove and Replace
- КТО replace
- Data Prep for Return (CDR)
- Data Prep for Return (FE-2)
- Data Prep for Return (FE-3)
- 34S US Prepack [In Work]
- URAGAN. Observations and Photography
- Preparation of reports for Roskosmos site
- ECON-M. Observations and Photography
- MT translation from WS7 to WS4
- SSRMS Walkoff from MBS PDGF3 to Node 2
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Friday, 8/30: CIR Micro Ops, Ultrasound, External Platform (EP) Insert
Saturday, 8/31: Housekeeping, PAO Event, Nightpod Checkout, ATV4 Reboost
Sunday, 9/1: Crew Off Duty Day
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | On |
Vozdukh | On |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | Off |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Standby |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Off |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Process |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Standby |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full up |