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ISS On-Orbit Status Report

ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/04/2022


Autonomous Systems and Operations – EXPRESS 2.5 (AMO-EXPRESS 2.5): The crew performed simulated EXPRESS Rack 7 activities within the AMO EXPRESS software. AMO-EXPRESS 2.5 conducts tests using automation and decision support software to help crew members manage spacecraft subsystems. The ability to perform such tasks without assistance from Mission Control is vital for future space exploration such as a mission to Mars, where significant time delays will occur in communications between space and ground. Using automation and decision support software to guide astronauts through complex spacecraft subsystem management activities also reduces the time needed to perform a task.

Fluid Science Laboratory (FSL) Soft Matter Dynamics (SMD) – FOAM: Three Foam Coarsening Samples were exchanged inside the SMD Experiment Container in the Central Experiment Module Lower drawer (CEM Lower) of the FSL. FSL Soft Matter Dynamics – Hydrodynamics of Wet Foams (Foam Coarsening) aims to investigate bubble size and rearrangement dynamics for “wet foams”. Microgravity offers the opportunity to investigate such “wet” foams, which cannot be stabilized on Earth because of drainage. Moreover, microgravity conditions are essential to study rearrangement phenomena, such as coarsening and coalescence, disentangled from drainage.

Immunosenescence: Immunosenescence obsolete hardware was consolidated now that operations are completed. Microgravity as a Model for Immunological Senescence and its Impact on Tissue Stem Cells and Regeneration (Immunosenescence) studies the effects of microgravity on cells involved in tissue regeneration and whether recovery occurs post-flight. Results could provide insight into whether effects of the biological aging process can be reversed.

Space Automated Lab Incubator-1 (SALI-1): SALI-1 was removed from the EXPRESS locker and the SALI-1 computer was reset to allow for ground commanding as part of troubleshooting steps. The recovery was unsuccessful, and SALI-1 was physically re-installed back into the rack locker but remains unpowered until return. SALI-1 supports a wide variety of investigations in the life, physical, and material sciences, focusing on research on biological systems and processes. It provides a 24-liter temperature-controlled chamber ranging from -20.0°C to +48.0°C, continuous maintenance-free operation, and LED lighting. SALI accommodates multiple sample packs or habitats and also serves as back-up cold stowage.

Universal Intelligent Glass Optics (UNIGLO): A search was conducted for missing UNIGLO hardware that is planned for return. UNIGLO tests the effects of microgravity on a glass optics module capable of processing various types of complex glasses. The module uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help adapt materials processing techniques to the microgravity environment and a sensor based on laser-Doppler interferometry to measure the effects of microgravity on processing complex glasses for a variety of applications in space and on Earth.


Aft AC Inverter Secure: Deployed AC Inverters were audited in Cupola, Node 1, and Node 3, and GFCI Cables were secured to the inverter using dual zip ties.

RS Water Transfers: Per documented agreements between the US and IP Russia, the crew continues to transfer water from the USOS to the RS. Surplus water in the USOS was transferred from the Contingency Water Container – Iodine (CWC-I) to an ЕДВ. An ЕДВ is intended for short-term storage and manual water transportation between facilities.

Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) Aft Reorganization: The crew backfilled several Aft compartments in PMM Zero-G Stowage Racks (ZSRs) and stowed CWC-Is in PMM standoffs while the ZSRs are rotated.

Treadmill 2 (T2) Monthly Inspection: The crew completed a regular maintenance inspection to ensure the T2 exercise device is in good operational condition. The crew inspected all four Snubber Arms for any sign of free play as well as make any necessary adjustments to reduce the free play.

Hatch Seal Inspection: A cleaning and inspection of the USOS Hatch Seals and Hatch Plate Sealing Surface for a subset of open hatches was completed. Additionally, the crew inspected the Crank Handle Mechanism, Hatch Seal Interlocking Joints and PMM Hatch Kicker Pins.

In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Activities: The crew removed foreign object or debris (FOD) from the Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Fan inlet flow straightener and silencers located at the Node 1 Starboard Aft location. The crew also inspected and continuity-checked the Overhead Crew Quarters (CQ) Bump-Out Power/Data Cable A and Crew Quarters Bump-Out Power/Data Cable B.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • FDS SD Deactivation/Activation
  • THC IMV Fan Activation/Deactivation
  • ARS Lab MCA Commanded to Full Calibration
  • SPS FCH Troubleshooting
  • SPS DDCU Data Dumps
  • MCC step-up for FSW for GNC AD44, MCE-A/MSE-A (ISS 056 Mission Support Recon L FSW 23)

Look Ahead Plan

Wednesday, October 5 (GMT 278)

  • Food Physiology Saliva, Fecal Collect (NASA)
  • Repository Urine Collect (NASA)
  • Standard Measures Postsleep, Blood Collect (NASA)
  • Vascular Aging Glucose Measurement Setup (CSA)


  • Crew-5 Launch
  • JSL 20-Port Switch Cable Modification
  • Crew Arrival Prep
  • ISS Crew Orientation
  • JEM 20-Port Network Switch Deploy
  • Dragon Rendezvous Operations Conference

Thursday, October 6 (GMT 279)

  • Actiwatch Don (NASA)
  • Food Physiology Saliva Collect (NASA)
  • Repository Urine Collect (NASA)
  • Standard Measures Presleep, Blood Collect (NASA)
  • Vascular Aging Glucose Reads (CSA)


  • Crew-5 Dock to Node 2 forward
  • Crew Departure Prep
  • On-Orbit Hearing Assessment
  • EHS Acoustic Monitor Modified Noise Survey
  • Dragon Crew Rendezvous Dock Activity

Friday, October 7 (GMT 280)

  • AMO-EXPRESS 2.5 Ops (NASA)
  • Food Physiology Saliva Collect (NASA)
  • Repository Urine Collect (NASA)
  • Rhodium Microbiome Sample Insert (NASA)
  • Standard Measures Postsleep, Blood Collect (NASA)
  • TangoLab-3 Cardcube Replace (NASA)
  • Veggie Review (NASA)
  • XROOTS Fluid Recovery, Plant Check (NASA)


  • PAO Dragon Welcome Event
  • Dragon Crew Rendezvous Dock Activity
  • ISS Safety Briefing
  • ISS Crew Handover
  • ISS Crew Orientation
  • Crew Departure Prep
  • Transfer Crew Dragon Cargo Operations
  • Emergency Equipment Transfer

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic Saliva Collection
  • HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection
  • UNIGLO Hardware Locate
  • Standard Measures Post-Sleep Questionnaire
  • Aft AC Inverter Secure in Cupola, Node 1, Node 3
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Crew Active Dosimeter Bluetooth USB Dongle Reseat
  • ExtraVehicular Activity Wanted Sizing Ring
  • FSL Facility Core Element locking at the end of scientific operations
  • FSL Soft Matter Dynamics Experiment Container Sample Cell Unit Exchange
  • Water Recovery System CWC-Iodine Fill Terminate/Initialization
  • PMM Aft Reorganization
  • ISS Crew Orientation
  • FSL Facility Core Element release in preparation of SMD or RUBI operations
  • Food Physiology Ops
  • CWC-Iodine Fill Teardown
  • Standard Measures Cognition Testing
  • Immunosenesence Hardware Consolidate
  • ExPRESS Rack 3 Locker Relocate
  • Space Automated Laboratory Incubator SBRIO Computer Reset
  • Hatch Seal Inspections
  • Countermeasures System (CMS) Treadmill 2 System (T2) Monthly Inspection
  • Transfer Crew Dragon Zenith Prepack
  • In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Node 1 Starboard Aft Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Fan Cleaning
  • In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Overhead Crew Quarters (CQ) Cable Checks
  • Space Automated Laboratory Incubator Installation
  • HRF Generic Urine Collection Male
  • HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion
  • Daily Planning Conference
  • Standard Measures Pre-Sleep Questionnaire