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ADC 2025 Handbook and Coding Components

Photograph of the Orion capsule in space with the Earth and its moon in the background

Note: Information about the challenge will remain posted for use in educational settings beyond the challenge end date.

App Coding Components

The files below will assist you in developing a visualization of the Artemis II mission. Detailed information regarding the challenge and additional resources are available in the ADC Handbook under the sections entitled “Middle School Challenge” and “High School Challenge”.

Middle School Teams

All middle school teams will create an application displaying in real-time the path of the Artemis II mission and create a prioritized list of antennas which have line of access to Artemis II utilizing the Middle School Data file.

Middle school teams wishing to attempt the bonus of displaying and smoothing out trajectory data received will need the Bonus Data file.

High School Teams

All high school teams will create an application displaying in real-time the path of the Artemis II mission and create a prioritized list of antennas which have line of access to Artemis II utilizing the High School Data file and calculating a link budget.

High school teams wishing to attempt the bonus of displaying trajectory data from an off-nominal mission will need the Bonus Data file.

Illustrated map showing the

Teams experiencing problems accessing these files should contact: