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About GeneLab

GeneLab Data Systems

NASA GeneLab expands scientists’ access to experiments onboard the International Space Station that explore the molecular response of terrestrial biology to spaceflight environments. Our mission is to maximize the utilization of the valuable biological research resources aboard the International Space Station by collecting genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data known as “omics”.

Data Repository

The data repository hosts space biology and space-related datasets funded by multiple space agencies around the world. Use the search options above to filter through the GeneLab repository or to search across several databases.

Image of model organisms used on board the ISS.

Environmental Data

To support spaceflight experimental data, environmental data from spacecraft and/or payload have been summarized for all available datasets in the repository. Currently, radiation dosimetry data is available for all datasets performed on STS and BION-M1 missions.

Collaborative Workspace

GeneLab has customized a workspace for uploading, storing, organizing, and sharing files. The collaborative workspace is integrated with our analysis platform to allow easy transfer of files to and from your workspace. The workspace can be accessed directly by clicking the link above or through our analysis platform. To create an account, click here.

Submit Data

Do you have spaceflight-related omics data? Follow the guidelines here to submit your data to GeneLab.

For more information on how to use and navigate through GeneLab Data System, please refer to the User Guide.

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