The Construction of Facilities (CoF) program at NASA is a part of the Agency’s five-year budget under the Construction, Environmental Compliance and Restoration (CECR) account for projects of more than $1 million. It encompasses a wide range of projects including renovations, repair, and new construction of research laboratories, launch complexes, test facilities, administrative buildings, and other facilities and infrastructure essential to the success of NASA’s missions and operations. The Program operates on a strategic framework that aligns facility investments with the Agency’s goals and priorities, ensuring efficient resource utilization and compliance with safety and environmental regulations. The CoF program comprises two project types (Institutional and Program Direct) classified by dollar threshold values:
- Discrete Projects. Discrete projects have a Facility Project Cost Estimate of $10 million or more.
- Minor Revitalization and Construction Projects (MRCs). MRCs have a Facility Project Cost Estimate of more than $1 million but less than $10 million.
Institutional CoF Program can consist of both MRC and Discrete projects in various categories:
- Renewal Projects. Projects that reset the clock on existing capital assets or in building a new building/structure
- Repair Projects. Project that return institutional assets or systems to their originally designed parameters or capacity or extend their service life.
- Demolition Projects. Demolition projects are independent and stand-alone projects to eliminate or reduce real property assets no longer required by NASA.
- Energy Projects. Projects that reduce existing real property energy and/or water usage.
- Facility Planning and Design (FP&D) Funds. FP&D funds are used to plan and design facility projects.
Other Facility Project Types (Non-CoF Funded). The following alternative methods are currently the only methods authorized for facility projects (e.g., modifying real property) that may cost in excess of $1 million: Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC), Utility Energy Services Contracts (UESC), Enhanced Uses Leases (EUL), and EUL net revenue.
Agency CoF Program Managers: Rhonda Pepper and Brennan Sanders
Agency Energy Manager: Wayne Thalasinos
- NASA Policy Directive for CoF Program: NPD 8820.2E
- NASA Procedural Requirements for CoF Program: NPR 8820