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Food in Space

Thanksgiving meal on the ISS

Yummy Yummy!

Food is an essential requirement to sustaining life on and off Earth. However the development and supply of food for spaceflight is necessary for NASA crew for low-earth orbit, but also for as we go beyond and onto Mars.

It is necessary to consider all aspects of the food processing, development, packaging, distribution and consumption for provisions provided to crew in spaceflight. Below are some (but not all) helpful resources to consider for development of spaceflight food.

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Literature and Scientific Publications

Regulatory References

Guidance links below are for review of applicable regulations or support information.

  • National Institute of Health (NIH)
    These documents are issued by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academies of Sciences Engineering, and Medicine. The Food and Nutrition Board addresses issues of safety, quality, and adequacy of the food supply; establishes principles and guidelines of adequate dietary intake; and renders authoritative judgments on the relationships among food intake, nutrition, and health.

Additional Resources