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Trina Dyal

Acting Director, Langley Research Center

Dr. Trina Marsh Dyal currently serves as the acting center director of NASA Langley Research Center. In this role, Dr. Dyal is responsible of overseeing approximately 3,400 civil service and contractor personnel, facilities valued at more than $5 billion, and an annual budget of approximately $1 billion. She also leads a diverse team of world-class scientists, researchers, engineers, and mission support specialists to accomplish projects across all of NASA’s mission directorates.

Previously, Dr. Dyal was the director for NASA Langley’s Science Directorate. In that role, Dyal was responsible for executive leadership in conducting and improving world-class core capabilities in atmospheric science research and space flight instrument development for the Science Mission Directorate. Prior to joining the Science Directorate, Dr. Dyal was the director of NASA Langley’s Flight Project Directorate, where she managed the technical, programmatic, and administrative functions necessary to execute advanced flight projects.

In addition to her roles at NASA Langley, Dr. Dyal served in two detail assignments. The first assignment was the executive to NASA’s Agency Program Management Council (APMC). In that role, Dr. Dyal was responsible for managing the activities of the APMC to baseline and assess performance of NASA projects, programs, mission directorate portfolios, and the integrated agency portfolio to ensure successful outcomes supporting achievement of NASA strategic goals. She also managed the activities of the Baseline Performance Review to provide an integrated review of institutional, program, and project activities and was also the executive responsible for managing the Agency Acquisition Strategy. Dr. Dyal’s second detail was director, Strategic Planning and Integration, supporting the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), where she was responsible for daily strategic management and supervision. Dr. Dyal provided advice on strategic technology investments and functional direction for strategic integration planning across all nine STMD technology programs.

Dr. Dyal received a doctoral degree in systems engineering from Old Dominion University. She also earned a master’s degree in engineering management and a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.