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iss068e018241 (Oct. 23, 2022) --- The uncrewed ISS Progress 80 cargo craft is pictured departing the vicinity of the International Space Station after undocking from the orbiting lab's Poisk module. The trash-filled Progress 80 would reenter the Earth's atmosphere above the Pacific Ocean a few hours later for a fiery, but safe demise.

The ISS Progress 80 cargo craft departs the space station

iss068e018241 (Oct. 23, 2022) --- The uncrewed ISS Progress 80 cargo craft is pictured departing the vicinity of the International Space Station after undocking from the orbiting lab's Poisk module. The trash-filled Progress 80 would reenter the Earth's atmosphere above the Pacific Ocean a few hours later for a fiery, but safe demise.

Image Credit: NASA