NASA Biological Institutional Scientific Collection (NBISC) at Ames Research Center
NBISC is a biorepository of non-human samples collected from NASA-funded spaceflight investigations and correlative ground studies. The purpose of NBISC is to receive, store, document, preserve, and make the collection available to the scientific community. A new complementary addition to NBISC is the Space Microbial Culture Collection (SMCC) which shares the same purpose but solely manages microbial material cultured from Space Biology funded missions and research activities.
Since 1995, NBISC has fostered gravitational biology research by providing access to these rare and unique samples to maximize the scientific return. Samples not utilized by primary investigations are preserved and made available through an open-science approach. Historically, these samples have been used in a wide range of analyses, including histology, genomics, and transcriptomics.