Newly Acquired Gulfstream C-131B Samaritan in the Hangar
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lewis Research Center acquired this Gulfstream C-131B Samaritan from the Air Force in July 1976. The center obtained the aircraft to support its current earth resources work. The C-131B is seen here inside the Lewis hangar being refurbished and converted into a flying laboratory. The modifications were led by Lewis Chief of Flight Operations Robert Hogan. The cockpit and cabin were modified and packed with instrumentation. The new equipment included Sideways Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR), geothermal sensors, radar antennas, and an inertial navigation system. In addition, portals were installed underneath the fuselage for cameras and remote sensing equipment. NASA’s C-131B was used to support researchers tracking ice flows on the Great Lakes and in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. It was also used for the center’s program to determine heating losses in the Cleveland area’s residential and commercial structures. The aircraft was later donated to the University of Georgia.