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Ryan Norman portrait

Ryan Norman

Deputy Element Manager, Space Radiation Element

Ryan Norman first joined NASA at Langley Research Center in 2013 as a research physicist investigating the physics of space radiation to understand how it affects human health. Since then, he has worked various projects that involve quantifying radiation dose from solar particle events and galactic cosmic rays.

His research highlights include serving as a principal investigator for the Rapid Response Radiation Survey, an effort to test how quickly and accurately systems could take radiation measurements in low-Earth orbit. He also was the project manager for the Multi-model Ensemble Risk Assessment project under the Space Radiation Element.  

Norman is Langley’s center representative for the Human Research Program. He also is a member of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) Space Environments and Radiation Technical Discipline team and a recipient of the NASA Early Career Achievement Medal. He completed NASA’s Foundations of Influence, Relationships, Success, and Teamwork (FIRST) leadership development program in 2016.

Norman earned his bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and his doctorate in physics from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

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Ryan Norman portrait

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