Peter Coen
Quesst Integration Manager
Peter Coen serves as the mission integration manager for NASA’s Quesst mission. His primary responsibility in this role is to ensure that the X-59 aircraft development, in-flight acoustic validation, and community test elements stay on track toward delivering on NASA’s critical commitment to provide quiet supersonic overflight response data to the FAA and the International Civil Aviation Organization.
In his previous position, Coen was the manager for the Commercial Supersonic Technology project in NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, where he led a team from the four Aeronautics research centers in the development of tools and technologies for a new generation of quiet and efficient supersonic civil transport aircraft.
Coen’s NASA career spans four decades. He has studied technology integration in practical designs for many different types of aircraft and has made technical and management contributions to all of NASA’s supersonics-related programs during the past 30 years. As project manager, he led these efforts for 12 years.
Coen has received numerous honors and awards including two NASA Outstanding Leadership Medals. He is an associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Coen earned a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from The Polytechnic Institute of New York and a Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering from George Washington University.