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Robert Blake, Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Robert Blake
Robert Blake, Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity

“I am the Discrimination Complaints Manager, Special Emphasis Program Manager for Veterans, and Acting Deputy Director. I counsel NASA employees involved in conflict and I assist them as they navigate the pre-complaint stage when they feel discrimination has occurred. I assist veterans with onboarding and retention with engagement activities, training opportunities, mentoring, and counsel. I represent the JSC Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity (OEOD) in support of the OEOD Director.
“Our achievements are more significant if we do them to the inclusion of everyone. If we are to sustain ourselves as a nation, over the long term, we need to do this with unity. And because we are NASA, prominent and respected, it is our obligation to do it because we do the hard stuff. And after we do it, a path is forged for others to do it more easily.”

— Robert Blake, Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Johnson Space Center