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Final Segment Ready for Space Launch System Booster Test

The final segment of the full-scale version of a five-segment solid rocket motor for NASA's new rocket, the Space Launch System.
The final segment of the full-scale version of a five-segment solid rocket motor for NASA's new rocket, the Space Launch System.

The final segment of the full-scale version of a five-segment solid rocket motor for NASA’s new rocket, the Space Launch System, completed preparations Dec. 15 at ATK’s facility in Promontory, Utah. After technicians installed instrumentation, the segment was transported to ATK’s test area. There, it is being integrated with the other segments for the first booster qualification test firing, scheduled for March. SLS will be the most powerful rocket ever built for deep space missions, including to an asteroid and ultimately to Mars. ATK is the prime contractor for the boosters.

Image credit: ATK