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Computer model of Protostar G35 Imagery

Computer model of Protostar G35 Imagery
These are computer model images intended to match characteristics of the central regions of the images of the G35 protostar taken by the FORCAST instrument on the SOFIA observatory in 2011.

These are computer model images intended to match characteristics of the central regions of the images of the G35 protostar taken by the FORCAST instrument on the SOFIA observatory in 2011. The model images show greatly simplified versions of what is revealed in the images taken by the FORCAST instrument on the SOFIA observatory’s infrared telescope: a luminous protostar heating a dense interstellar cloud from the inside while simultaneously expelling cone-shaped jets of gas toward the tops and bottoms of the frames. The top outflow cone appears brighter because it is directed toward us and there is less obscuring material along the line of sight.Date: Unknown
Photo Credit: Zhang et al. 2013, Astrophysical Journal