This image mosaic, taken by the panoramic camera onboard the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit, shows the rover’s landing site, the Columbia Memorial Station, at Gusev Crater, Mars. The rover originally was projected to be able to travel only 250 meters (820 feet) northeast to a large crater approximately 200 meters (660 feet) across, the ridge of which can be seen to the left of this image. To the right are the east hills, about 3 kilometers (2 miles) away from the lander. The picture was taken on the 16th Martian day, or sol, of the mission (Jan. 18-19, 2004). A portion of Spirit’s solar panels appear in the foreground. Data from the panoramic camera’s green, blue and infrared filters were combined to create this approximate true color image.
Far exceeding its expected lifespan, Spirit currently has spent more than 890 sols, or Martian days, exploring the Martian landscape.Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell