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Alan Shepard Suits Up for Flight

Alan Shepard suits up for flight
Astronaut Alan B. Shepard is being assisted by a technician in getting into his space suit at 2:45 a.m. this morning, beginning the long countdown of the scheduled launch of the Mercury Redstone.

Astronaut Alan B. Shepard is being assisted by a technician in getting into his space suit at 2:45 a.m. this morning, beginning the long countdown of the scheduled launch of the Mercury Redstone. After Astronaut Shepard is suited up, he will travel by van to the Redstone Gantry on Pad 5 and be placed into the Mercury Capsule, called Freedom 7, on top of the Redstone booster rocket. Astronaut Shepard will pilot the first U.S. manned sub-orbital space flight of the Manned Mercury Program. Photo credit: NASA