Prandtl Flying WingA Prandtl-M prototype is air launched from the Carbon Cub aircraft March 13, 2020, at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center...From left Eric Becker watches as Nathan Sam, Robert 'Red' Jensen and Justin Hall attach a Prandtl-M aircraft onto the...Nathan Sam shows the Prandtl-M aircraft he helped fabricate at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in California. The aircraft is...Nathan Sam and Robert “Red†Jensen lay material into a Prandtl-M aircraft mold at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in...The first of three Prandtl-M prototype aircraft was air launched Aug. 16, 2019, from an Aerostat blimp at NASA’s Armstrong...NASA Armstrong's Prandtl-D1, is autographed by all the interns that have worked on the project. Prandtl-D1 is being shipped to...NASA Armstrong says goodbye to its Prandtl-D1 that is being shipped to the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution...NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center conducted its first formation flight with the Preliminary Research Aerodynamic Design to Lower Drag (Prandtl)...Deborah Jackson, Al Bowers and Abbigail Waddell successfully launch the subscale Prandtl-D 3C glider.The subscale Prandtl-D 3C glider, carrying a pressure system developed and integrated by students, successfully flies at Edwards Air Force...Deborah Jackson integrates a pressure system she and other students developed for the subscale Prandtl-D 3C glider.Abbigail Waddell and Nathaniel Boisjolie-Gair test a pressure system they and other students developed for the subscale Prandtl-D 3C glider.Al Bowers, center, and a group of student interns hook up a bungee cord for a flight of the Prandtl-D...The Prandtl-M completes a successful research flight.Test flights of the Prandtl-M have resumed. The airframe also is the basis for another aircraft that will collect weather...A Prandtl-M aerodynamic model flies following an air launch from a remotely piloted Carbon Cub.Dave Berger, right, and John Bodylski prepare the Prandtl-M for a test flight.Emerson Baker and Caitlin Kennedy check out the Prandtl-M before a test flight.Jonathan Adams, from left, John Bodylski, Justin Hall, Caitlin Kennedy and Dave Berger watch a computer screen providing the Prandtl-M’s...Emerson Baker, Alexander Flock, and Ryan Dibley retrieve the Prandtl-M after a successful test flight.The WHAATRR team from NASA Armstrong includes, from left, Derek Abramson Dave Berger, John Bodylski, Robert “Red” Jensen, Scott Wiley,...David Lee, Golda Nguyen and Scott Gleason recover the Prandtl-D No. 3 after one of its first flights.The Prandtl-D No. 3 research aircraft is being readied for new flight tests this summer. It had its first flight...Prandtl-D: 2nd flow visualization image using a laser light sheet.View from the Control Room of the NASA LaRC 12-Foot Wind Tunnel Through the Fan into the Test Section of...Rear View of Prandtl-D Wind Tunnel Model in NASA LaRC 12-Foot Wind TunnelFlow visualization using a laser light sheet.Program Manager Al Bowers with Flying Wing ModelThe Prandtl-D Wind Tunnel Test Team With the Wind Tunnel ModelFront View of Prandtl-d Wind Tunnel Model in NASA LaRC 12-Foot Wind Tunnel.Top View of Prandtl-d Wind Tunnel Model in NASA LaRC 12-Foot Wind TunnelProgram Manager Al Bowers named the first iteration of his work the “Preliminary Research Aerodynamic Design To Lower Drag (PRANDTL-D)Program Manager Al Bowers and the Wind Tunnel Configuration used for Researching a Model of the PRANDTL-d.The proposed Prandtl-m is based on the Prandtl-d seen coming in for a landing during a flight test in June....NASA Dryden's Al Bowers displays the second subscale Prandtl-D flying wing following its first test flight.NASA Dryden's Al Bowers and some of the students he mentored in the 2013 NASA Aeronautics Academy display the second...The streamers on the Prandtl-D No. 2 as it is launched illustrate how aerodynamic forces are maximized as birds overlap...Al Bowers attaches a bungee cord to the Prandtl-d, as Kassidy McLaughlin prepares to release and launch the aircraft.