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STS-34 crewmembers during emergency egress training at KSC

S89-45249 (13 Sept 1989) --- The astronaut crewmembers for NASA's STS-34 mission prepare to participate in emergency egress training in their partially pressurized flight suits with attached cooling packs at the Shuttle landing facility. Left to right are Astronauts Michael J. McCulley, pilot; Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, Ellen S. Baker and Shannon W. Lucid, all mission specialists; and Donald E. Williams, mission commander. The five were at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) primarily to participate in the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test (TCDT). The Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to be launched October 12. Primary payload for the five-day mission is the spacecraft Galileo which will be deployed in space begin its journey to Jupiter.
