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Next Generation Human Landing System (HLS) Simulation

Two pilots in a mock lunar lander cockpit. Realistic flight controls are seen and graphics of the lunar surface out the window.
Lunar lander simulation interior displays and controls
NASA / Dominic Hart

The Vertical Motion Simulator (VMS) at NASA Ames is uniquely qualified to support the entire HLS development process.

The VMS has a large motion envelope and six independent degrees of freedom. It is the only existing ground-based simulator capable of supporting the development, testing, and certification of the HLS to meet manual control handling qualities requirements.

Because the VMS has an adaptable simulation architecture, it can be customized to meet individual research requirements. It provides a safe and cost-effective environment for the development of new flight control, guidance, and display systems, as well as testing new procedures and training crews on emergency and off-nominal situations.

The VMS has 40 years of experience partnering with the aerospace community, to perform critical handling qualities research – this includes past lunar lander experiments.

NASA wants to partner with you. We are ready to build on past knowledge and put your new designs to the test. We have the systems and the know-how in place to help you develop solutions to land us on the Moon. Contact Us today!

Technical Papers and Information on Research and Space Systems Simulations at VMS

More information on how NASA SimLabs can Simulate Future Space.