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Earth observations taken during the STS-103 mission

STS103-501-152 (19-27 December 1999) --- One of the astronauts aboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Discovery used a handheld large format camera to photograph this southern Florida scene. The city of Miami encroaches the eastern edge of the Everglades, which constitute an International Biosphere Reserve World Heritage Site. This subtropical wilderness encompasses a relatively flat (does not exceed 2.4 m above sea level) saw-grass marsh region of 10,000 square kilometers (4,000 square miles). According to NASA Earth scientists, the only source of water in the Everglades is from rainfall. The flow of water is detectable in this image, slowly moving from Lake Okeechobee to Florida Bay; the light blue, shallow area between the mainland and the Keys; and the southwestern Florida coast.
