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MS Parazynski transfers the DCSU during the second EVA of STS-100

STS100-396-019 (24 April 2001) --- Astronaut Scott E. Parazynski, STS-100 mission specialist, totes a Direct Current Switching Unit while anchored on the end of the Canadian-built Remote Manipulator System (RMS) robotic arm. The RMS is in the process of moving Parazynski to the exterior of the Destiny laboratory (right foreground), where, assisted by astronaut Chris A. Hadfield (out of frame), he will secure the spare unit--a critical part for the station's electrical system--to the stowage platform for future crews in case it is needed. Also in the frame are the Italian-built Raffaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (center) and the new Canadarm2 (lower right) or Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS).
