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International Space Station (ISS)

STS-100 and Expedition Two crew members pose for an onboard portrait in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station (ISS). Bottom, from left, are Chris A. Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency, Umberto Guidoni of the European Space Agency, Kent V. Rominger, and Susan J. Helms (Expedition Two). Middle row, James S. Voss (Expedition Two), and cosmonauts Yury V. Usachev (Expedition Two) and Yuri V. Lonchakov. Top, Scott E. Parazynski, John L. Phillips, and Jeffrey S. Ashby. The crews accomplished the following objectives: The delivery of the Canadian-built Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS), Canadarm2, which is needed to perform assembly operations on later flights; The delivery and installation of a UHF anterna that provides space-to-space communications capability for U.S. based space walks; and carried the Italian-built multipurpose Logistics Module Raffaello containing six system racks and two storage racks for the U.S. Lab, Destiny.
