Educators, Students
Grade Levels
Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12, Informal Education
Careers, Life Science, Space Biology
Hands-on Activities, Videos
NASA Role Models: Gioia Massa and Trent Smith
NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
Topic: Veggie Project
Original Air Date: April 30, 2020
Learn about the challenges of growing plants in space and the research that is currently happening on the International Space Station. Will we be able to grow our own food on the Moon and Mars, eventually? Watch to find out!
STEM Short Activity: Grow Your Own Popcorn!
Objective: Watch the NASA @ Home Spaceport to learn how to grow popcorn at home.
Duration: 30 minutes for setup and daily measurement readings over a week’s time.
Materials Needed: popcorn kernels, medium to plant seeds in (soil, sand, paper towel, etc.), container to grow seeds, water
Difficulty: Easy
Next Generation Science Standards: MS-LS1-6, HS-LS1-5
“NASA STEM Stars” is a webchat series. Each chat introduces a science, technology, engineering or math career, addresses a STEM topic and highlights a NASA mission. The chat includes a STEM activity that students can do at home. After the interviews, experts answer students’ questions.