Grade Levels
Grades 5-8
Engineering Design, History, Human Space Exploration, Mathematics, Physical Science, Technology, Measurement and Data Analysis, Forces and Motion, Models, Space Station, Space Vehicles
Lesson Plans / Activities
Students will work together as a team to construct and test a model of a target docking system and crew module.
Students will
- Make metric length measurements with 0.1-cm accuracy.
- Use given ratios to calculate dimensions of a scale model.
- Demonstrate their knowledge of traveling through and rotating about the three axes of movement.
- Demonstrate teamwork and communication skills to perform a task.
Next Generation Science Standards: MS-PS2-2, MS-PS2-2A
Common Core State Standards: 6.RP.A.1, 6.NS.B.3, 7.NS.A.3, 7.G.A.1
Activity Three: Model a Spacecraft Docking System
This lesson plan is part of the “Crew Transportation with Orion Educator Guide.”