A full-time staff collects and evaluates environmental data including installation and sampling of soil borings, groundwater monitoring wells, and soil vapor monitoring wells, sampling of groundwater treatment system extraction and injection wells, shallow subsurface soil vapor surveys, seismic reflection studies and interpretations, treatment system pilot tests, and use of groundwater modeling.
NASA ensures compliance with all applicable environmental regulations and Presidential Executive Orders at White Sands Test Facility by performing monitoring and complying with environmental permits in the following areas:
- Air Quality
NASA monitors and tracks air-emission activities to ensure our operations are compliant with current regulations, including the Environmental Protection Agency and New Mexico Environmental Department regulations. - Petroleum Storage
Petroleum products stored on site are regulated by numerous environmental regulations including state and federal requirements for above ground and below ground storage tanks. Plans are developed and maintained that address how these products will be contained in the event of a spill or release. - Waste and Wastewater Management
Hazardous waste, wastewater, and solid waste are generated during the course of testing and evaluation activities at White Sands Test Facility. These wastes are managed in accordance with state and federal regulations to ensure the safety of our workers, protection of the environment, and to identify any waste minimization opportunities. - Water Quality
- NASA treats and distributes drinking water to White Sands Test Facility and adjacent facilities. Routine sampling of the White Sands Test Facility drinking water supply system is conducted to ensure compliance with both state and federal safe drinking water regulations. NASA also manages several discharge permits related to testing and remediation activities at the site.